• Video Marketing & Digital Advertising

11 Tips For Video Marketing Success in 2024

  • Yogesh Bhagwani
  • 7 min read
11 Tips For Video Marketing Success in 2024


Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, TikTok and so many more,

Visual content is WORKING and has positioned itself at the top of any marketing funnel.

With declining attention spans in this fast-paced technological environment, video marketing has emerged as a frontrunner for any marketing campaign.

If we look at numbers, our video consumption span has doubled within the last 5 years.

There’s nothing that clicks the human psyche more, than a compelling video.

If you are a marketer, a project manager, a hustling entrepreneur or anyone trying to leverage video marketing to boost your sales, this guide will take you through tips and tricks that do not just work but can help you get results.

What is Video Marketing? Why do you need it?

94% of marketers believe videos gain better user engagement than any other form of marketing.

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Simply put, video marketing is using visually appealing and resonating content to promote your brand, product or service.

With more than 70% of people wanting to be fed content visually.

Any business must generate content that helps them reach, educate and delight their audience.

A strong video marketing campaign will not only help you boost conversions but will also help in building brand awareness, driving traffic and simultaneously retaining your existing customers.

Hence, if you struggle to grow your brand or get your clients converted, start creating videos.

But with so many competitors doing the same, how do you stand out?

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The All-in-One Platform for Effective SEO

Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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Relax, we've got you covered in the next section! In a world bustling with bullhorn competitors, it's crucial to carve out a unique niche and convey your message effectively through compelling video content.

11 winning Video marketing tips to boost your business

Marketing is about creating a self-image, and with videos, you can do it more efficiently than ever.

Video marketing isn’t a new term we have come across, and with tools like a free AI video generator, brands have been enhancing their efforts for a while.

But today with social media on the roll, we think video marketing has evolved from mere visual advertisements, they are more about penetrating the human psyche organically.

Here are 17 video marketing tips, curated by our team of experts to help you create compelling videos for your marketing campaigns.

Getting started

1. Define your goals

It is important to understand and define your goals before you go about any video marketing campaign.

Think about its purpose thoroughly and determine what success will look like.

A marketing campaign can only be successful with a goal, whether it is to convert, engage or educate.

Once you define your goals it will help determine the kind of video you want to create, what it will be and who it will be for.

An easier way of defining a goal for your video is to understand which stage of the marketing funnel you want it for, which is generally divided into:

  • Awareness stage
  • Consideration stage
  • Decision stage

Understanding each stage will simplify the intent behind the video or videos you want to create, be it explanatory videos for the awareness stage, demos for the consideration stage or testimonials for the decision stage.

2. Know your Audience

Once you know your goals, the next thing in line is understanding what kind of audience compliments that goal.

Analyze age, gender, demography, likes, and dislikes but one of the most important things about knowing your audience is understanding their problem and how your video is going to solve it.

Knowing your audience thoroughly will help you create videos with a deeper impact.

Here are 7 ways which can help you decode the art of knowing your audience.

3. Choosing the right platform

4.9 Billion people used social media in 2023.

As we have already spoken about how important social media is, we emphasise the fact that “if you are a business regardless of how big or small “Your videos must be for the GRAM”.

With an average person spending over 145 minutes on social media (mostly on videos) every day you need to make sure that if the objective of your video marketing campaign is to create brand awareness, social media is bliss.

Testimonials should fly high everywhere, flash them on your social media posts go ahead and put them on the banner of your website.

After all, in today's digital age, where every user can become a critic or an advocate, leveraging testimonials across platforms can significantly boost credibility and trust in your brand. So, whether you want to build a social media app or establish your online presence, testimonials are your golden ticket to winning over hearts and minds.

4. Set up a budget, upfront

Setting up a definite budget big or small is a must before producing any video, it will help you organise the process, cut costs and calculate results.

If you are a small business, remember, that a smaller budget doesn't mean lower quality.

Creativity often thrives within constraints.

You don't need expensive gear or flashy influencers to create great content, a decent smartphone and a few basic accessories can produce high-quality videos that engage and convert.

Budgeting your videos will help you financially and present a clear ROI.

Creating the video

5. Nothing sells more than a good story

Video marketing is not just about selling.

Imagine you're around a campfire, sharing an adventure about your product fitting perfectly into someone's life.

You're not just selling; you're taking your viewers on a journey from point A to point B, showing them the life they could have with what you offer.

This is the art of storytelling, leverage it to create videos that don’t just push a user to buy your product or services but rather engrave a sellable self-image.

Famous cosmetic brand Dove has positioned itself as a master in this art, here’s a great example to understand what storytelling is all about.

6. Address Audience Pain Points

Your marketing videos do not have to be transactional all the time.

Think deeper, analyse the consumer's journey, and create content that solves problems or addresses the specific needs of your audience.

This not only adds value but also positions your brand as a helpful resource.

Famous cosmetic brand Dove has positioned itself as a master in this art, here’s a great example to understand what storytelling is all about

7. Scripting it Right

Before you hit record, remember, that a good script is your best friend, it keeps your video focused and saves you a ton of editing time.

Although, an outline could work, but we would rather recommend a detailed script. Plan exciting intro elements and explore how can you sell your outros.

Remember, a thought-through script can be the difference between a high conversion rate.

Here's how to make your script work for you:

  • Talk to your audience like a friend. Use “you” to make it personal.
  • Hook them in the first few seconds. Mention a problem they face or what your video is about.
  • Keep it casual and chatty. Write like you’re having a conversation.
  • Be brief but bold. Say a lot with a little.
  • Do a read-through. Make sure it sounds smooth and natural.

And hey, remember to plan for those cool extras like B-roll and music. They make your video pop!

8. Branding the subconscious

Keeping your marketing videos on-brand is super important for brand recognition.

It's not just about filming in the same place, but really nailing those branding elements in every video.

Here's the rundown on how to get it right:

  • Pop your logo in there, it's all about getting your audience to recognize it instantly.
  • Use a cool logo reveal as a standard break between your intro and the main content.
  • Splash your brand colours all over, especially on your on-screen text.
  • Make your thumbnails match up - same colours, fonts, and style.
  • You can also reflect your brand ethos through a compelling story.
  1. Enhance with Music

The right background music can set the tone, evoke emotions, and make your videos more engaging.

Just ensure it complements the content and doesn't distract the audience.

10. Include a Clear Call to Action

Alright, so no matter what kind of video you're making, don’t forget to throw in a clear call to action.

You can ask your viewers to subscribe, drop a like, leave a comment, visit your website, sign up for something cool, or even buy what you're selling.

And hey, you don’t have to wait till the end of the video for your CTA.

Mix it up!

Here's how:

Pre-roll CTA: Right at the start, like "Hey, hit subscribe before we dive in!" Just like Modern Millie does in her videos.

Mid-roll CTA: Sneak it in when viewers are totally into your video.

Like, “Loving this? Don’t forget to subscribe!” Use some fun stickers from InVideo to make it pop.

Post-roll CTA: The classic end-of-video pitch. Jazz it up with a cool outro template from InVideo.

Using these CTAs at different points keeps your video engaging and reminds viewers what you'd love for them to do, without waiting till the very end.

Plus, it's a neat way to keep things fresh and interactive.

The final strep

Hey, so you’ve made an awesome video with cool visuals and music, right?

But here’s the thing – you gotta make sure people can actually find it.

It’s all about optimizing for search.

On YouTube, sprinkle those relevant keywords and hashtags in your title, description, and tags.

Instagram? Same deal – use the right keywords and hashtags in your caption.

And for Facebook, even though it's a bit different, tossing some keywords in your description is still a smart move.

Remember, your description should be more than just a keyword fest. It should grab people’s attention and make them want to watch your video.

Meet Ranktracker

The All-in-One Platform for Effective SEO

Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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Wanna dive deeper into getting your videos to rank and pull in more views? There’s this cool video that can show you the ropes. Check it out!

  • Promote Across Platforms: Don't just upload and forget. Share your videos on all your social channels, embed them on your website, and include them in your newsletters.
  • Track the Right Metrics: Beyond views, monitor engagement, click-through rates, conversion rates, and other metrics aligned with your goals to gauge the success of your videos.
  • Repurpose Your Content: Maximize the value of each video by repurposing it into blog posts, social media clips, and more. This extends its life and reaches a wider audience.

Concluding Thoughts

Video marketing has cemented it’s place in the digital landscape, becoming a key tool in forging connections with your audience.

A good video marketing campaign is not just about selling but also about building trust, strengthening relationships, and expanding your brand's reach.

So now you know how to make a great video, but to rank higher than your counterparts optimizing your website is a must.

Ranktracker is this amazing SEO tool, that can help you rank higher with its advanced features, do check it out!

Yogesh Bhagwani

Yogesh Bhagwani

Link Building Specialist

I am a highly skilled link building specialist with 3 years of experience in the industry. I have a proven track record of increasing website traffic and search engine rankings by developing and executing effective link building campaigns.

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