• Ranktracker Updates

Exciting News: Ranktracker Version 5 Now Rolling Out! Unmatched Speed, New Features & Enhanced Efficiency

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 3 min read
Exciting News: Ranktracker Version 5 Now Rolling Out! Unmatched Speed, New Features & Enhanced Efficiency


We are thrilled to announce the release of Ranktracker Version 5! This latest update brings a groundbreaking speed increase of up to 2000x, dramatically enhancing your experience and efficiency in tracking and analyzing website rankings.

What's New in Version 5:

  • Unmatched Speed: Enjoy up to 2000 times faster performance, enabling you to get insights and updates in real-time. Now, you can load 1,000,000+ keywords in the Rank Tracker tool in just 1 second. Experience instant loading with v5!

  • New Tables and Charts: Dive deeper into your data with newly introduced tables and charts, offering more detailed and comprehensive visualizations. These tools allow for better analysis and understanding of your SEO data.

  • Polished User Experience: We’ve refined the UX to be smoother and more intuitive, ensuring you can navigate and utilize Ranktracker with ease. The improved interface makes it simpler to access the information and tools you need.

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamlined processes and optimizations ensure you can manage your SEO tasks more effectively than ever before. This means less time waiting and more time strategizing and implementing your SEO plans.

  • Search Intent & Share of Voice: We’ve added new features such as search intent and share of voice, available free on all plans. These tools provide deeper insights into your SEO strategy and help you understand your competitive landscape better.

Understanding Search Intent

We usually distinguish between four types of search intent:

  1. Navigational Intent: Users want to find a specific page (e.g., “reddit login”). These searches are often branded and aim to navigate users directly to their desired destination.

  2. Informational Intent: Users want to learn more about something (e.g., “what is SEO”). These searches are usually questions and involve learning new information. Informational searches often lead to content like blog posts, articles, and informational pages.

  3. Commercial Intent: Users want to do research before making a purchase decision (e.g., “best coffee maker”). This intent lies between informational and transactional, where users are gathering information closely linked to an eventual purchase.

  4. Transactional Intent: Users want to complete a specific action, usually a purchase (e.g., “buy Subaru Forester”). These searches indicate a strong intention to convert, whether by buying a product, signing up for a service, or completing another transaction.

Detailed Breakdown:
1. Navigational Search Intent
  • Users seek a specific page they have in mind.

  • Examples: "starbucks," "gmail login," "Ranktracker keyword tool."

2. Informational Search Intent
  • Users want to learn something, often phrased as questions.

  • Examples: "Bruce Willis movies," "what is SEO," "how to clean a dishwasher."

  • Benefits: Increased visibility, building trust, targeting new leads.

3. Commercial Search Intent
  • Users are researching before making a purchase.

  • Examples: "best indoor plants for low light," "apple watch ultra review," "Ranktracker alternatives."

  • Note: Often includes third-party reviews and comparisons.

4. Transactional Search Intent
  • Users are ready to perform a specific action.

  • Examples: "iPhone 13 Pro Max price," "personality test online," "Ranktracker trial."

  • Importance: These are high-value keywords that indicate readiness to convert.

How to Determine Search Intent

Search intent aligns with the user’s stage in the marketing funnel:

  • Awareness: Informational keywords (e.g., "how to do keyword research").

  • Consideration: Commercial keywords (e.g., "best keyword research tools").

  • Conversion: Transactional or navigational keywords (e.g., "Ranktracker plans").

You can determine a keyword’s intent based on its phrasing, though tools like Ranktracker automatically calculate search intent for every keyword, simplifying the process.

Understanding Share of Voice (SOV)

What does this metric mean and how do we calculate the visibility score?

To put it simply, the share of voice (SOV) metric shows you the percentage of all possible organic clicks (from SERPs) for the tracked keywords landing on your website.

The score is calculated by dividing the traffic to the site by the total search traffic for all keywords. Ranking for keywords with higher search volumes have more influence on the SOV score.

For example:

If you only track a single keyword and all top 10 positions in Google are occupied by pages of your website (which means you get all possible traffic from that keyword) — your share of voice is 100%.

But if you only occupy the #1 spot, while the rest are taken by your competitors, your share of voice would be somewhere around 30% (depending on the CTR curve of the search results for that particular keyword).

Meet Ranktracker

The All-in-One Platform for Effective SEO

Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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Thus, if your average position is higher than your competitors, you will not necessarily have a better visibility score.

Ranktracker Version 5 represents a complete rebuild of our application, showcasing our commitment to continuously improving our tools to meet your needs and help you achieve your SEO goals more efficiently. We are dedicated to providing you with the best possible tools to enhance your productivity and success.

What’s Next:

We are now working on all-new features and tools to further improve your experience and help you stay ahead of the competition. Your ongoing support and feedback have been invaluable in shaping the development of this new version, and we are excited to bring you even more powerful capabilities in the future.

Starting at just $16 a month, you can experience the full power of Ranktracker Version 5. We hope you enjoy the enhanced speed, improved user experience, and new features that Version 5 has to offer. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and enhance Ranktracker to support your SEO efforts.

Thank you for being a part of the Ranktracker community. We look forward to helping you reach new heights in your SEO endeavors with Ranktracker Version 5!

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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