• Content Creation & Strategy

Finding Your Unique Angle in Content Creation 2024

  • Christian Krink
  • 5 min read
Finding Your Unique Angle in Content Creation 2024


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Gone are the days when creating content was just about echoing what's already out there on search engine results pages (SERPs). In the early stages, like many, we modeled our blog posts on content that ranked for specific keywords, striving for similarity.

But soon, it dawned on us: to truly stand out, our content needed more than just replication—it needed authority, expertise, and a unique voice.

Diving deeper into the content creation journey, we realized the power of innovative research methods. By engaging with industry experts on LinkedIn, keeping abreast of the latest trends, and exploring beyond the surface of SERPs, we uncovered fresh perspectives that elevated our content.

In this article, we're excited to share with you four groundbreaking research methods that revolutionized our approach. These strategies not only helped us identify unique angles but also enabled us to fill gaps in the existing content landscape

Why Having a Unique Angle in Content Creation is important

In content marketing, having a unique perspective is critical for standing out and achieving success. Here's why it's essential:

  • Competitive Advantage: A unique angle ensures your content stands out in a crowded digital market.
  • Engages Readers: Your unique perspective keeps readers interested and coming back for more.
  • Fosters Creativity: Writing about topics you're passionate about naturally leads to more innovative ideas.
  • SEO Edge: Search engines favor unique content, enhancing your online visibility.
  • Builds Credibility: Offering fresh insights positions you as an authority in your field.

How to Figure Out Your Angle in Content Creation

Finding your angle in content creation is about bringing a fresh perspective to your blog post and content. It's about understanding who you serve and how you uniquely view their challenges. Let's break it down:

Determine Who You're Trying to Serve as Clients

Your target audience is the cornerstone of your content strategy. For instance, if you're focusing on product managers, understand their mindset.

They value the strength of a great product, often viewing marketing as secondary. Recognize their priorities and tailor your content to address their specific needs and perspectives.

Determine Your Unique Point of View of Your Clients

Reflect on what sets you apart. Why did you start it? What unique insights, skills, or approaches do you bring? For product managers, your angle could be that marketing is essential for getting great products recognized, not just a tool for sales.

This perspective can lead to various content ideas like guides for product managers on marketing, the value of marketing in product development, and even critiquing campaigns for products that don’t meet the mark.

With Those 2 Things in Hand, Craft 1 Simple Story

Your content should revolve around a simple, relatable story. This story consists of a status quo (e.g., a great product developed by the client), a conflict (the challenge of standing out amid marketing noise and bad products), and a resolution (treating marketing as a valuable product itself).

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This narrative should resonate with your target audience, align with their beliefs, and position your agency as the solution to their marketing needs.

Why Only SERP Analysis isn't Enough Anymore

In content creation, relying solely on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for research is no longer sufficient. For marketing agencies and content creators, there are a few ways in which this approach falls short.

It limits creativity, overlooks content gaps, and fails to satisfy increasingly sophisticated algorithms. Why expanding your research beyond SERPs is vital to create content that truly stands out on social media channels and becomes a valuable resource for your audience.

You'll End Up Creating the Same Content

Limiting your research to top-ranking pages on SERPs often leads to 'same content'. For example, searching for 'digital marketing' might show articles discussing benefits and strategies, but lacking a unique angle.

As Carl Graf, CEO at Hanseatic-Agri, points out, this results in content with similar titles, headers, and examples, stifling creativity and differentiation in your work.

You Won't Be Able to Identify Content Gaps

Focusing on top-ranking articles can cause you to miss crucial content gaps. Often, these articles provide surface-level information, missing out on actionable insights and in-depth analysis.

Josef Al-Dauis, the manager of SEO at Vollgas-Marketing Kiel, emphasizes that ranking for keywords is pointless if the content doesn't engage or satisfy the reader's needs. Expanding your research helps in filling these gaps, offering readers more value.

You Won't Be Able to Satisfy the Algorithm

Google's E-E-A-T update underscores the need for content created by those with real-life experience. Merely curating insights from top-ranking pages isn't enough.

Authentic, trustworthy content, like insights from someone with hands-on experience using a tool like Ranktracker, is more likely to satisfy the algorithm and resonate with readers. While it's important to understand the quality bar set by Google, the ultimate goal should be to provide great value, not just create slightly better content.

4 Strategies to Enhance Your Research Process

To create content that resonates on social media channels and becomes a valuable resource, marketing agencies need innovative research methods.

Here are a few ways to enhance your research process, ensuring your content is not just informative but also unique and engaging.

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Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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H3: LinkedIn


LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for uncovering unique content ideas:

  • Search: Use the platform’s search bar with specific keywords.
  • Advanced Filters: Apply filters like industry, recency, and company name to refine your search.
  • Engage: Look into the comment sections of relevant posts for additional insights.


By combining these steps, LinkedIn becomes more than just a networking site; it's a hub for discovering case studies and firsthand experiences that can enrich your blog post.

H3: Google Alerts


Stay ahead of the curve with Google Alerts:

  • Set Up Alerts: Choose keywords relevant to your field, like 'SEO' or 'influencer marketing'.
  • Curated Content: Receive a stream of content directly to your inbox.
  • Swipe File: Save the links that are most relevant for future reference.

Google Alerts helps you catch the latest reports and trends, making it an essential tool for up-to-date and informed content creation.

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The All-in-One Platform for Effective SEO

Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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H3: Communities

Leveraging communities can provide unique angles and firsthand insights:

  • Join and Participate: Be active in communities like Superpath or Email Geeks.
  • Keyword Searches: Use community discussions to uncover trending topics and questions.
  • Real-world Examples: Gain perspectives from experienced professionals for your content.

Communities are a treasure trove of real-time discussions and viewpoints, making them an excellent resource for content research.

H3: Newsletters

Newsletters offer a deep dive into specific topics:

  • Subscribe and Categorize: Sign up for relevant newsletters and organize them by categories.
  • Keyword Exploration: Search within these newsletters for your specific topic of interest.
  • Unique Examples: Look for engaging content, such as job postings or industry insights, to include in your articles.

Final Thoughts

By leveraging platforms like LinkedIn, staying informed with Google Alerts, engaging in industry-specific communities, and subscribing to insightful newsletters, you can significantly enhance the depth and uniqueness of your content. These strategies allow you to:

  • Discover fresh perspectives and unique angles.
  • Stay abreast of the latest trends and industry news.
  • Find real-world examples and firsthand insights.

These varied approaches ensures that the content you create is not just another drop in the digital ocean, but a valuable resource that stands out on social media channels and resonates with your audience.

Christian Krink

Christian Krink

founder of Vollgas-Marketing

Christian Krink, founder of Vollgas-Marketing, excels in digital marketing, web design, and craft sector recruitment. He's dedicated to driving success for German SMEs in the digital landscape.

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