• Marketing

Influencer Marketing 2.0: Instagram and TikTok Transform B2B Strategies

  • Bilal Shafique
  • 7 min read
Influencer Marketing 2.0: Instagram and TikTok Transform B2B Strategies


Influencer marketing has undergone a major evolution in recent years, with Instagram and TikTok becoming prime platforms for B2B brands to leverage influencers. As a staggering 72% of Gen Z and Millennials follow influencers on social media, leveraging Influencer Marketing 2.0 can take your B2B brand to a whole new level. It has the potential to boost brand awareness and influence consumer perception to secure more sales for you.

In today’s blog, we will show you how modern B2B brands are utilizing the power of Instagram and TikTok to reshape their marketing strategies. You'll learn about the impact of Influencer Marketing 2.0 on brand authority and audience engagement through real-world case studies. We’ll also provide you with practical insights and solid advice on how to thrive in this ever-evolving landscape.

So, let's dive into the world of Influencer Marketing 2.0 and discover how it can contribute to your B2B success!

Influencer Marketing 1.0 Vs 2.0

Let’s first understand why Influencer Marketing 2.0 is the way to go in the modern digital landscape than Influencer Marketing 1.0:

  • Influencer Marketing 1.0

Influencer Marketing 1.0 solely relied on celebrities or macro-influencers as one-dimensional endorsers to promote products. It lacked the emphasis on authenticity and engagement seen in Influencer Marketing 2.0. The focus was on short-term endorsements, with less integration into the brand's broader marketing efforts.

  • Influencer Marketing 2.0

Influencer Marketing 2.0 represents an advanced approach where authenticity, engagement, and data-driven decision-making via precise affiliate tracking take center stage. It emphasizes long-term partnerships with both micro and macro-influencers, who actively participate in content creation and foster genuine connections with their audience. Brands integrate influencer campaigns into their overall marketing strategy, resulting in more impactful and relatable storytelling.

Influencers Types in Influencer Marketing 2.0

In B2B Influencer Marketing 2.0, influencers can be categorized into various types based on their audience size, niche expertise, and level of influence. The main types of influencers are:

Influencers Types in Influencer Marketing

1. Mega Influencers

Mega influencers carry a substantial following, mostly over 1 million followers. Mostly, they are well-known figures in entertainment, sports, or other fields. Their extensive popularity allows them to influence a large audience.

2. Macro Influencers

Influencers on social media with a large customer base of 100,000 to 1 million followers fall into this category. They are often experts or authorities in specific niches and can significantly impact their audience's opinions and decisions.

3. Micro Influencers

Micro influencers usually have smaller but highly engaged follower bases, ranging from 10,000 - 100,000 followers. They focus on niche topics and connect more intimately with their audience, leading to higher engagement rates.

4. Nano Influencers

Nano influencers generally contain a smaller follower count, often between 1,000 - 10,000. They are everyday consumers who have gained influence in their close-knit communities. Due to their authenticity and relatability, they can have a significant impact on their followers' purchasing decisions.

Leveraging Different Influencers Types for B2B Marketing in 2023**

Influencer Marketing Industry is set to grow to approximately $21.1 Billion in 2023. Here's how you can synchronize each influencer type for your B2B marketing strategy in 2023:

1. Mega Influencers

  • Collaborate with well-known celebrities or social media stars who align with your brand's values and target audience.
  • Use mega influencers for large-scale brand awareness campaigns to reach a massive audience quickly.
  • Utilize their reach for product launches, major announcements, or events to create a significant impact.

2. Macro Influencers

  • Identify macro influencers who have a strong presence in your niche or industry.
  • Engage them for thought leadership content, product reviews, and influencer-led webinars to establish credibility.
  • Encourage macro-influencers to showcase authentic experiences with your products or services, fostering trust among their followers.

3. Micro Influencers

  • Research and connect with micro influencers whose audience aligns closely with your target market.
  • Encourage micro-influencers to create personalized content and engage in storytelling to resonate with their engaged followers.
  • Leverage their niche expertise for specific product or service promotions to reach a highly relevant audience.

4. Nano Influencers

  • Cultivate relationships with nano influencers who are passionate about your brand or industry.
  • Encourage user-generated content (UGC) from nano influencers to showcase authentic experiences with your brand.
  • Utilize their word-of-mouth marketing and local influence to target specific geographic regions or communities.

B2B Influencer Marketing 2.0 Wins on TikTok and Instagram: Success Stories**

Following are some of the recent case studies, showcasing results of successful B2B Influencer Marketing 2.0 campaigns being run on TikTok and Instagram:

1. Grammarly

Grammarly is a writing assistant that helps people improve their grammar, spelling, and style. In 2022, the app partnered with @thereadsleuth on Instagram to create a series of educational posts that showed how Grammarly could help people write better.

The posts were well-received by @thereadsleuth's followers, and they helped to increase awareness of Grammarly's product among a younger audience. The campaign generated over 1.2 million impressions, 10,000 engagements, and 100 new leads.

2. Zoom

You might already be familiar with Zoom - famous video conferencing software. Zoom partnered with TikTok influencer @tiktokmommy in 2021 to create a series of videos that showed how Zoom could be used for remote learning.

As the videos were valuable and informative, they helped position Zoom as a leading provider of video conferencing software. With over 2 million views, 100,000 likes, and 5,000 shares, the campaign bore fruit.

3. HubSpot

HubSpot, a marketing software company, collaborated with @the.growth.geek on TikTok to create a series of videos demonstrating how HubSpot's marketing software can be used to grow businesses.

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The campaign's success was attributed to the informative and engaging videos, which helped position HubSpot as a premier provider of marketing software. The campaign attracted over 1 million views, 50,000 likes, and 2,000 shares.

4. Adobe

Officially known as Adobe Systems, Adobe is an American software company known for its multimedia and creativity software products. Adobe partnered with popular Instagrammer @laurenbrockway in 2022 to create a series of educational videos that showed how to use Adobe's Creative Cloud products.

Brockway's followers really loved the collaboration and they helped to increase awareness of Adobe's products among a younger audience. The campaign generated over 1 million views, 10,000 likes, and 500 comments.

5. Spotify

Spotify is a music and podcast streaming service that gives you access to millions of songs and other content. In 2022, Spotify collaborated with TikTok influencer @iamtaylerholder to create a series of dance challenges that promoted the platform's new "Behind the Lyrics" feature.

The challenges were a massive success and generated over 1 billion views along with a 20% increase in sign-ups for the new feature.

These are only a few examples of how B2B brands can utilize Influencer Marketing 2.0 to reach their intended audiences on TikTok and Instagram. By working with the right influencers, brands can produce engaging content that promotes awareness, leads, and sales.

Best Practices for Creating Powerful B2B Influencer Marketing 2.0 Campaigns

Best Practices for Creating Powerful B2B Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Crafting successful B2B Influencer Marketing 2.0 campaigns requires a strategic approach that leverages the unique aspects of this evolved marketing technique. Here are some secret tips to make your B2B influencer campaigns stand out and drive meaningful results:

1. Align with Your Audience and Niche

Look for thought leaders, industry experts, or influential professionals who can authentically represent your brand and resonate with your B2B audience. Building genuine connections between the influencer, your brand, and the audience is crucial for a successful campaign.

2. Embrace Creativity

Influencer Marketing 2.0 thrives on authenticity and creativity. Invite influencers to co-create content that portrays your brand's true value proposition in an engaging way. Creating authentic content that resonates with your target audience improves the chances of successful engagement and lead generation. You can also consider enhancing Instagram followers to boost your brand's credibility on the platform.

3. Focus on Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool to convey your brand's narrative effectively. Work with influencers to tell compelling stories that highlight how your products or services solve real problems for B2B customers. Stories resonate better with audiences and leave a lasting impact, making your brand more memorable.

4. Diversify Content Formats

Incorporate a mix of content formats to cater to different audience preferences. Utilize videos, blog posts, webinars, infographics, and interactive content to keep the campaign engaging and versatile. Experimenting with diverse formats helps capture the attention of busy B2B professionals.

5. Long-term Partnerships

Consider building long-term partnerships with influencers. Instead of one-off collaborations, work with influencers over an extended period to foster trust and authenticity. Long-term partnerships provide influencers with a deeper understanding of your brand, resulting in more authentic advocacy.

6. Promote Thought Leadership

Position your brand and influencers as thought leaders in the industry. Collaborate on thought-provoking content, insightful whitepapers, or industry reports. Demonstrating expertise establishes credibility and attracts B2B decision-makers who seek valuable insights from trusted sources.

7. Measure KPIs and Optimize

Set clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your influencer campaigns. Measure the impact of the campaign using metrics like reach, engagement, leads, and conversions. Continuously optimize your SEO and marketing strategy based on data insights to improve the campaign's effectiveness.

8. Engage Your Internal Team

Involve your internal team in the Influencer Marketing process. Encourage employees to share and engage with influencer content, fostering a sense of advocacy and extending the campaign's reach organically.

9. Compliance and Transparency

Ensure compliance with advertising regulations and guidelines while working with influencers. Maintain transparency in your partnerships, especially regarding sponsored content, to build trust with your B2B audience.

Embrace new platforms, features, and technologies to keep your B2B influencer campaigns fresh and relevant. For example, one of the new marketing strategies you may use is to buy TikTok followers to significantly increase the visibility of your brand.

Final Words

Influencer Marketing 2.0, specifically on Instagram and TikTok has revolutionized B2B strategies, emphasizing authenticity, engagement, and data-driven decisions. By collaborating with different kinds of influencers, B2B brands can elevate their marketing efforts in today’s digital era.

Over and beyond, keep yourself updated about the latest marketing trends and tools to make a significant impact with your B2B Influencer Marketing 2.0 campaigns. Good luck!

Bilal Shafique

Bilal Shafique

Technical Content Writer / Content Marketer

Bilal has been writing technical content for the last 4+ years. He loves to impart knowledge, particularly in the fields of Digital Marketing, Cyber Security, and Data Science. In his free time, you would find him reading quality books and cooking tasty meals.

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