• Marketing

Why Simple Logos are Important for Social Media Marketing

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 8 min read
Why Simple Logos are Important for Social Media Marketing


First impressions are the best impressions, right? 100%. And most people can agree with that. Especially people behind marketing and branding. When it comes to branding, what do you think is important? The message that you want to convey to your potential customers. Forbes did a good piece on the importance of branding, and it tells that branding is not only about the logos and colors but what it represents as the company.

We live in a social media world. Meaning, almost all of the companies are under the radar. You, as a company, need to make a good impression on your potential customers. So, you need a better branding strategy, and for that, you need a logo that represents your company’s motto. It is like a cycle, and each element is dependent on one another.

Believe it or not, a logo can change the whole dynamic of your business. Harvard Business Review did a study on the effectiveness of logos and they said that well-designed yet simple logo ideas can do a lot of stuff like piquing the interest of the customer towards your business, making your business unique among your competitors, and even helping you to get that brand recognition online.

But most companies failed to understand the true importance of the logo. And the main reason is, the logo must be flashy or have a lot of information. That is not true to an extent. And that is where the simple logos come into the picture. We will take a look at how a simple logo can help you to change your view on branding and why it is successful when it comes to social media.

The Power of Identity Through Logos

First things first, what is a logo?

A logo represents what a company is all about. Think of it as a picture that helps people quickly identify the brand. When people see the bitten Apple logo, without batting an eye they think of Apple and it’s cool stuff like new ideas, state-of-the-art design, and its phenomenal quality. It’s simple and effective right?

Colors are also super important for showing what a brand is like. According to Website Planet, the color of a logo can shape how people see a brand, even up to 90% on the first try. Again Apple excels in this section. The king of minimalist color, white makes the branding of the company much more sophisticated and oozes quality.

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The Power of Identity Through Logos

Companies think hard about the colors they pick for their logo. This is to show important messages and ideas.

Another example is Facebook's blue color. The color makes it seem friendly, approachable, and easy to talk to, while Target's red color brings out excitement, energy, and even an adventurous feel.

A strong, easy-to-remember simple logo also works as a mark of ownership and safety. It shows customers that they're dealing with the real brand. And if a logo is registered officially, it stops others from copying it. Good logos are super important for telling people what a brand is all about.

Attracting and Engaging New Customers

Creating a recognizable identity is crucial for brands, but they also need to use their logos to grab the attention of new customers. Studies show that 40% of Fortune 500 companies went with the color blue in their logos. This choice highlights how blue can make people think of stability, trust, and reliability.

But understand this, just having a blue logo isn't enough to get people interested. Brands need to make sure that their logo and color choices appeal to the specific group of people they're aiming for.

Take The Forager's Table restaurant, for example. They use a natural, hand-drawn logo style with earthy green and brown shades. This attracts people who care about their health and the environment.

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Logos that stick in your mind also make people curious. They make you want to learn more about the brand. Simple logos that still spark your interest can be used in lots of different places, like on social media or big billboards.

A logo is like a visual magnet that pulls your attention in, even when you're looking at a crowded screen.

To attract people who haven't heard of the brand before, companies should make sure their logos work well when people find them online and want to share them. For instance, logos with smooth curves instead of sharp edges look nicer and get more notice on social media.

Using trendy looks like simple, minimal designs also makes younger people like it more. Lastly, logos that move can keep people looking at them for a while and might even become popular and spread a lot online, reaching even more folks.

Standing Out in a Competitive Landscape

In markets full of choices and lots of competition, having a unique logo can give you an advantage. Data proves that 75% of shoppers see logos as the thing they remember most about a brand, more than the way things look (60%) or the colors (45%).

Logos are really powerful. They can change what people think about a brand and go against what's expected in an industry.

Let's take financial companies as an example. They usually have very serious, one-color logos. But then there's Bear Creek Capital. Their logo is a bright green that makes you think of growth and energy. It shows they're all about helping new companies and technologies.

And look at the pizza business, which has lots of players. Midnight Pizza stands out with a cool neon logo that captures the fun, late-night vibe they offer to college students. Getting noticed and having a smart brand strategy are both important in markets where everyone's competing.

Real-Life Example: Starbucks Vs. Café Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf

You might think, having a neon light contrasts the fact of a simple logo, right? Not necessarily. It is safe to say that all minimalist logos are simple logos, but not all simple logos are minimalistic logos.

And this is where the “descriptive logo” shines like a true star. For example, take a look at the Starbucks logo. Compared to Café Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, another coffee chain, the elements are simpler in Starbucks. Like a siren in the logo with green color and lastly with the name. Even though both are simple logos and completely different, Starbucks can be considered “minimalistic” compared to the Coffee bean.

But, don’t be mistaken, both logos are doing exactly what they expected to do. More brand impression and reeling in new customers. And one more thing about these logo designs, they are near-perfect for social media which is the main thing when it comes to today’s logo design landscape.

Social Media Landscape:

Remember, to get noticed on social media, brands should steer clear of copying what their rivals are doing. Bright and surprising colors are great for catching the eye when everyone's posting a lot. Also, giving a fun twist to things everyone knows, like using a fruit shape for a tech company, shows that the brand is creative.

Making your drawings instead of using regular pictures makes things more special compared to using common images that everyone else uses. All in all, making changes that fit the brand's style makes it stand out in a crowd of similar competitors.

Cultivating Brand Loyalty Through Consistency

Cultivating Brand Loyalty Through Consistency

Not only do effective logos help get new customers, but they also make people stick around by being recognized right away. Our brains are wired to spot patterns. Logos we know are like shortcuts that our brains like because they're easy and make us think of good stuff.

Renderforest says that even a tiny change to a logo that everyone knows can make people not remember the brand as well and get mixed up. Over time, people get attached to logos like they're friends. Big changes can make people feel like they've been let down, which is why using a 3D spinning logo maker can help maintain a sense of familiarity while refreshing the design.

So, brands need to be careful when they want to change a famous logo because they might lose loyal customers.

But, it's okay to give a logo a little update sometimes. This can make it look more modern while still feeling like the logo people know. The important thing is to keep things looking the same everywhere, like on social media. This makes people stick around and keep liking the brand.

Also, remember this. Keeping the logo the same on all your social media handles. This helps people recognize and trust the brand. When followers see the logo they know, it feels familiar. Using the same profile picture, cover image, and symbols keep things looking the same on all the different sites.

Using the same hashtags, captions, and way of talking also matches the brand's personality that the logo shows. This all makes things fit together nicely.

In today's world where brands appear in many places, it's important for branding to be easy to recognize and work well in different situations. Keeping things simple is a big part of this. Simple logos can be used in lots of different ways without losing their impact.

When a logo is basic and can be resized without problems, it looks the same and sends the same messages on things like clothes, signs, websites, apps on phones, and social media sites. Logos that are too complicated, with lots of small details, can be hard to see on small places like Twitter profile pictures. On the other hand, simple logos like Nike's "Swoosh" work well everywhere, online and offline.

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The same thing can be said for Pringles (but with some controversies). The Kellogs, a multimillion-dollar company made a change to its Pringles logo recently (2020 to be exact). First, Mr. Pringles had hair and a full round (not-so-much) face. But the new logo is much simpler and cleaner and ultimately minimalist.

This has certainly divided the internet. Some said the company has lost its nostalgic vibe to Pringles and completely changed its view on the company. Some accepted the change and think it is necessary to adapt to the new visual identity trend. But, ultimately the new logo has shown its presence by bringing a 40% increase in sales.

A lot of companies such as Bandai Namco (a gaming conglomerate) are adapting to the simple logo looks and changing their existing logo to a more minimalistic simple logo.

Final Thoughts

So, to wrap up, a well-thought-out, simple logo is a requirement instead of an optional approach for doing great on social media. It shows what the company is about, brings in customers, makes the brand stand out, keeps people coming back, and makes everything look the same online. In a time when people's attention moves fast, a logo is like a flag that helps people remember a brand and stick with it.

Remember this: On social media, simple logos catch attention even in busy feeds and small profile pictures. Their clean, compact style means they can be copied without getting blurry. Basic shapes and symbols also help people remember them and make sure they look the same on places like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more. All in all, simple logos fit well in the quick world of the internet.

Frequently Asked Questions

While major redesigns are risky, moderate revitalization every 5-10 years can modernize a logo. Gradual evolution balances reinforcing recognition while preventing stagnation. The goal should be refreshing rather than revolutionizing the logo.

2. How can a brand ensure its logo remains relevant in the ever-evolving digital landscape?

Regularly assessing a logo's adaptability and visibility across platforms is key. Using scalable vector files facilitates reproduction on any screen size. Prioritizing simplicity and minimalism creates flexibility to display the logo effectively across contexts.

3. What are the key elements to consider when designing a logo for social media marketing?

Simplicity, adaptability, and recognizability take priority. The logo should be legible and impactful as both an avatar and a banner image. Strategic color choices also attract demographic-specific audiences. Overall, the logo should capture a brand's identity in a format optimized for the digital world.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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