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9 Ways To Create An SEO-Friendly Landing Page

  • Mike Vestil
  • 8 min read
9 Ways To Create An SEO-Friendly Landing Page


While not many people consider SEO and landing pages in the same train of thought, it's essential to understand that the two can be very closely related. A well-optimized landing page can help improve your website's search engine ranking and visibility, while a poorly optimized one can do the opposite.

By considering a few key SEO elements when designing and optimizing your landing page, you can help ensure that it is as effective as possible at driving traffic and conversions.

In this article, we'll share the best ways to create an SEO-friendly landing page, giving you actionable tips and advice that you can use to improve your website.

Let's get right into it.

Creating An SEO-Friendly Landing Page

Here are the best tips to consider when creating SEO-friendly landing pages.

1. Make Sure Your Landing Page Is Well-Designed And Easy To Navigate

A good design will help improve the user experience, making visitors more likely to stay on your page for longer and ultimately convert.

Some key things to keep in mind when designing your landing page include the following:

  • Use a clean and simple design.
  • Use easy-to-read fonts and typography.
  • Include plenty of white space.
  • Keep the page well organized.
  • Ensure the page is easy to link to.

The user experience on your landing page has a lot to do with aligning text with effective SEO techniques. This will ensure that your landing page is accessible to the eyes and read and digested by both humans and search engine crawlers. Let's say you're trying to make an eye catching landing page for Alibi Investigations in Tampa, a leading private investigation firm. You will want to displavy all of the services Alibi offer such as private investigor or cheating spouse investigations.

2. Use Keyword-Rich Titles And Meta Descriptions To Help Improve Your Seo

The title and meta description of your landing page are two essential elements of SEO. These are the first things people will see when your page appears in the search results, so it's necessary to ensure that they are relevant to what people are searching for.

Using the right keyword finder, you'll be able to research and find the best keywords to target for your landing page. Once you have a list of such keywords, ensure to include them in both the title and description of your page.

3. Optimize Your Images And Other Media For Better Search Engine Visibility

In addition to your text, your images and other media can also help improve the SEO of your landing page. By optimizing your photos and videos for the web, you can help ensure that they are correctly indexed by search engines and appear in the search results.

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For example, using descriptive file names that tell search engines what the image is about can help improve your chances of appearing in the image search results. In addition, using relevant keywords in your image alt text can also help improve your SEO.

4. Create A Solid Call To Action That Encourages Visitors To Take The Next Step

No matter how well-optimized your landing page is for SEO, it won't be effective if people don't know what to do when they get there. That's why it's essential to include a strong call-to-action (CTA) that encourages visitors to take the next step.

SEO copywriting helps fine-tune your CTA's to make them more effective. By using persuasive language and offering the right value proposition, you can increase the chances that people will take the action you want.

For example, if you’re running a campaign to promote your new e-commerce store, a strong CTA might be, "Shop now and get free shipping on your first order." This CTA is compelling because it tells people what they need to do (shop) and gives them the incentive to do it (free shipping). You can also consider setting up rewards software for consumer promotions campaigns to automate the process and offer a variety of rewards.

Instead of just saying, "click here," using persuasive language that tells people what they will get by taking action is a much more effective strategy. Freelance marketers who specialize in conversion rate optimization can help you come up with the perfect CTA if you think you need guidance.

5. Make Sure Your Landing Page Loads Quickly And Efficiently

The speed at which your landing page loads is also essential for SEO. Not only do slow-loading pages frustrate users, but they can also negatively impact your search engine rankings.

To ensure that your landing page loads quickly, a web audit can help you identify areas where your page could be improved.

Make Sure Your Landing Page Loads Quickly And Efficiently

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Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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In addition to checking your page speed, you should also look at your site's overall performance. This includes things like uptime, server response time, and 404 errors. All of these factors can impact your SEO and should be monitored closely.

6. Use Schema Markup To Give Search Engines More Information About Your Landing Page

Schema markup is a code you can add to your website to help search engines better understand your pages' content. This can also help search engines understand how your page should be indexed.

In addition to helping improve your SEO, schema markup can also display rich snippets in the search results. This can help increase the click-through rate (CTR) of your listing, as people are more likely to click on a result that gives them the information they’re looking for and then guides them to the next question in their search.

7. Monitor Your Landing Page's SEO With Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool that allows you to monitor and troubleshoot your website's SEO. It provides data about how your site is performing in the search results and can help you identify any issues that need to be addressed.

In addition to monitoring your site's SEO, Google Search Console can also be used to submit your sitemap and request that your pages be indexed. This is a helpful tool if you've made changes to your landing page and want to ensure that they are reflected in the search results as soon as possible.

8. Monitor Your Analytics To See How Your Landing Page Is Performing

With various conversion rate statistics to consider, being on top of your site's performance is critical for landing page optimization.

There are several different analytics tools that you can use to track your website's performance, and Google Analytics is one of the most popular.

Improving your SEO performance through Google Analytics can be one of the most valuable things you can do for your business. Not only can this help you improve your rankings, but it can also help you increase the overall traffic to your website.

You can also determine the performance of your landing pages by tracking the sales pipeline you generate from those pages. A simple way to monitor conversions is by setting up goals in Google Analytics and tracking the interactions on checkout pages. Another way to go about it is by checking the sales conversion source in your CRM or campaign management software.

9. Avoid The HiPPOs (Highest Paid Person's Opinion) And Rely On Data Instead.

Anytime you're working on optimizing your website, it's essential to base your decisions on data instead of opinions. This is especially true regarding landing pages, as many different factors can impact their performance.

Relying on the opinion of the highest-paid person in the room (HiPPO) can often lead to suboptimal results. Instead, it would be best if you focused on using data to make informed decisions about optimizing your landing page.

How To Test Your Landing Pages Correctly

While SEO will get you web visitors, testing your landing page is what will convert those visitors into leads or customers, making your SEO efforts worthwhile. Landing page optimization is an ongoing process, and it's essential to constantly be testing and tweaking your pages to get the best results.

With that in mind, there are several different factors that you can test on your landing pages.

As a practical example, let's consider this time tracking system landing page and the various elements that can be found on the page.

How To Test Your Landing Pages Correctly

Live Chat

This is a great feature that can benefit website visitors and businesses. Website visitors can get their questions answered in real time, and companies can use live chat to address any concerns a visitor may have quicklyvisitor's problems.

Live Chat

To test whether or not live chat is effective on your landing page, you can run an A/B test. This involves creating two versions of your page — one with live chat and one without. You can then track the conversion rate of each page to see which version performs better.


The video that pops up at the top of the page helps grab visitors' attention and gives them an overview of the product.

If you're considering adding a video to your landing page, testing two different videos can be an excellent way to see which one is more effective. This allows you to track the conversion rate of each video to see which one performs better.

The Form

The Form

The form on this landing page is short and to the point, which can help get visitors to convert.

While the current form asks for a name, email, and password to create an account, you could test a form that only asks for an email address to get started.

The Call to Action

This landing page's call to action (CTA) is "Create an account." While this clearly states what the visitor will do when they press the button, the site owner could consider testing a different CTA to see if it's more effective.

The Headline

The headline on this landing page gives a clear benefit of using the product — "Spend less time tracking and more time growing."

The site owner could test a different headline to see if it's more effective. For example, one could try a more specific headline. While this depends on the type of product on offer, a headline of "Track your time for free" could be effective.

The Body Text

Finally, the body text on any landing page might be the most straightforward test. This is because one can test different text versions to see what works best - without making any changes to the page design.

Focusing on the above-the-fold section of the page, you could test different versions of the text on your landing page to see what's more effective. For example, you could try a more detailed version compared to what you currently show. You could also have a shorter version that’s more to the point. As always, tracking your vital metrics is key to see which version performs better.

Considering The Users’ Search Intent

What are people looking for when they type in that keyword in search engines?

Why should people come and stay on your page?

Answering these two questions accurately can be the difference between success and failure in your business.

If you can understand the search intent behind the keyword being used, you can create a landing page that's more likely to rank for that keyword. And if you can create a landing page that ranks for a relevant keyword, you're more likely to get organic traffic to your site.

There are four main types of search intent:

  • Navigational: People who use navigational keywords are looking for a specific website. For example, if someone types in "Ranktracker login," they're looking for the Facebook login page.
  • Informational: People who use informational keywords seek information about a topic. For example, if someone types in "what is SEO," they want to learn more about this topic.
  • Transactional: People who use transactional keywords are looking to buy something. For example, if someone types in "buy keyword tracker online," they want to purchase a product.
  • Commercial investigation: People who use commercial investigation keywords are still deciding whether or not to make a purchase. For example, if someone types in "best SEO tools," they're looking for information to help them decide which running shoes to buy.

Once you understand the search intent, you can create an SEO landing page that provides the right value proposition to your target audience. This refers to the offer or benefits you're offering the visitor in exchange for coming to your website (instead of another one).

For example, a company that offers a rank-tracking tool might use the following value proposition on their landing page: "Visual overviews like Combo charts of your ranking progress."

This offer speaks to the transactional intent behind the keyword "rank tracking tool."

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Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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Considering The Users’ Search Intent

On the other hand, if you're trying to rank for an informational keyword like "what is SEO," you might use a value proposition like: "Get our free guide to learn everything you need to know about SEO."

This offer speaks to the informational intent behind the keyword and gives the visitor something of value in exchange for their contact information.


Creating an SEO-friendly landing page isn't as difficult as it may seem. Following the tips in this guide, you can create a landing page optimized for search engines that brings highly targeted people to your site.

At the same time, remember that you don't have to implement all of these tips at once. You can start by implementing the most important ones and gradually add more as time goes by.

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil

Author, Investor & Speaker

Mike Vestil is an author, investor, and speaker known for building a business from zero to $1.5 million in 12 months while traveling the world.

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