• Marketing

How to improve your cold outreach results

  • Hugo Molinaro
  • 15 min read
How to improve your cold outreach results


Tired of sending out countless cold emails and not getting any responses? Does your outreach strategy seem to be falling flat? The truth is, cold outreach can be a challenging task, especially when you're trying to make new connections or promote your business.

20% of email campaigns have an open rate of under 20%. But, with the right approach, you can improve your results and make your outreach efforts more successful.

Cold outreach is an essential part of any business strategies at early stages, whether you're looking to generate leads, build relationships, or promote your brand.

If you're struggling with your cold outreach efforts, don't worry. There are proven strategies that can help you improve your results and make the most of your outreach efforts.

In this article, we'll explore some of the best practices for cold outreach that will help you get the responses you're looking for. So, let's get started!

What is Cold Outreach?

Cold outreach refers to the process of reaching out to potential clients or customers who have no prior knowledge of your brand or business via email, social media, or phone.

It involves crafting a message that grabs the recipient's attention and persuades them to take a desired action, such as scheduling a call, subscribing to a newsletter, or making a purchase. The objective of cold outreach is to expand your network, generate new leads, and ultimately drive revenue for your business.

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In this article, we will discuss how to improve your cold outreach results and increase your success rates using proven tactics and strategies.

Why should you improve your Cold Outreach?

Cold outreach is an essential strategy for businesses that want to reach new leads and convert them into buying customers. While warm leads may be easier to close, cold outreach can help you reach a broader audience that you may not have access to otherwise.

Improving your cold outreach efforts can offer several benefits:

  • Increased brand awareness
  • New business opportunities
  • Improved revenue generation

However, to reap these benefits, your approach must be effective.

If you find yourself with low reply rates or, even worst, almost no open-rates, it might be a strong signal that your email campaigns need to be refined.

An average cold email response rate is around 8.5% while average cold email open rates can go as far as 24%.

If your campaign's results are under these scores, you might want to take into consideration the points that will be mentioned below.

Understanding Your Target Audience

To higher up your chances of successful cold outreach, one of the most important things to do is to understand your target audience.

By taking the time to research and understand your ideal prospects' needs, interests and pain points, you can craft a message that resonates with them and prompts a response. Below are some key components that you must consider for a better understanding of your target audience.

Defining Your Ideal Customer Profile: Understand your audience

If you're looking to improve your cold outreach results, one of the most essential steps is defining your ideal customer profile (ICP).

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It is the key to understanding your target audience, creating personalized content, and building more meaningful connections with your prospects.

One of the biggest mistakes people make with their outreach is trying to appeal to everyone at the same time. By trying to cast your net too wide, you end up spreading yourself too thin, with less desirable results. Instead, narrowing down your focus and creating an ICP will help you tailor your messaging to your ideal prospects.

Defining Your Ideal Customer Profile: Understand your audience (Source)

An ICP is made up of four key components:

  • demographics
  • psychographics
  • firmographics
  • technographics

Let's take a closer look at each of these segmentations types.


Demographics are the basic characteristics of your target audience, such as age, gender, location, education level, and income. These details can help you create tailored messages that resonate with your ideal prospects.


Psychographics, on the other hand, go beyond basic demographics to identify the values, attitudes, and interests of your target audience. Understanding the psychographics of your prospects will give you a better idea of what motivates them and why they might be interested in your product or service.


Firmographics focus on the key characteristics of the company you're targeting, such as industry, company size, and revenue. By understanding the firmographics of your prospects, you can identify patterns and create more impactful messages and content.


Finally, technographics encompass the technology preferences of your target audience. This includes the types of devices they use, social media platforms they frequent, and the tools they rely on to run their business. By knowing this information, you can create more effective outreach campaigns that utilize the channels your prospects prefer.

By defining your ideal customer profile and understanding each of these components, you can tailor your outreach strategy to the people who are most likely to be interested in your business.

This will result in more personalized, effective outreach messages, better engagement rates, and ultimately, more successful outreach campaigns.

Researching Your Target Customers: Maximize chances of success

To improve the success of your cold outreach, it's essential to personalize your messaging. This means researching your target customers thoroughly to understand their unique needs, interests, pains, and fears.

By gathering this information, you can create customized messages that resonate with your prospects and improve your response rates. Here's how to research your target customers effectively:

1. Run Customer Research

Conduct surveys, be attentive to feedback, and customer analytics to gather insights about your target audience. This data can help you identify patterns and trends that inform your outreach approach.

2. Create Buyer Personas

Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers based on real data. These personas should include information about demographics, psychographics, firmographics, and technographics, as discussed in the previous section. Developing buyer personas helps you segment your target audience and create tailored messaging for each group.

3. Understand Barriers and Uncertainties

It's essential to understand the obstacles your target customers might face in adopting your product or service. Consider factors such as price, competition, implementation, and resistance to change. Identifying these barriers and uncertainties can help you proactively address them in your outreach messages.

Finally, use this information to craft an ice-breaker that catches your prospect's attention. Your ice-breaker should be interesting, relevant, and catchy. It should also provide value to the prospect right away, such as demonstrating how your product or service can solve a problem they're facing.

In summary, researching your target customers is a critical step in personalizing your cold outreach messages for success. Make sure to gather insights through customer research and buyer personas, understand barriers and uncertainties, set clear goals, and craft compelling ice-breakers that resonate with your prospects.

Compiling an Email List: How to Do it Right

For any successful cold outreach campaign, a well-compiled list of potential leads is essential. However, it's not just about reaching out to as many people as possible. The key is prioritizing quality over quantity. Here's how to compile an email list the right way:

Use Prospecting Tools

Prospecting tools such as Hunter or Snov can help you generate a list of potential leads. These tools scrape information from various sources to provide you with relevant email addresses. They're particularly useful for B2B marketing, where high-quality leads matter more than large numbers.

Focus on LinkedIn and Professional Associations

The best way to find high-quality leads is by focusing on LinkedIn and professional associations related to your product or service. These platforms allow you to target your search using various criteria such as job title and company. Joining groups that contain a lot of potential leads and interacting with those in the group can help build your email list.

Review Colleagues' Email Contact Lists

Review your own email contact list and that of your colleagues, as some of your colleagues might have email contacts relevant to your campaign. It's a good idea to ask for permission before using their email list, and always avoid sharing it with anyone else.

Avoid Purchasing an Existing Email List

Purchasing an existing email list might seem like a quick way to get a list of potential leads, but it's not a good idea. These lists are often outdated, inaccurate, and full of people who haven't given permission to be contacted. Instead, build your email list organically using the methods discussed above.

Compiling an email list takes time and effort, but it's worth it for the high-quality leads you'll generate. By using prospecting tools, focusing on LinkedIn and professional associations, reviewing colleagues' contact lists, personalizing your cold emails, and avoiding purchasing an existing email list, you can compile a list of potential leads that will improve your cold outreach campaign.

Crafting the Perfect Email

Crafting the perfect email can be a daunting task, but it is crucial for any successful cold outreach campaign. A well-crafted email can grab the attention of potential clients and lead to a higher response rate.

Let's discuss some essential tips on how to create effective emails for cold outreach campaigns.

From subject lines to email content, we will cover everything you need to know to make your cold emails stand out and get noticed. So, let's get started and learn how to craft the perfect email.

Writing a Captivating Subject Line

When it comes to cold email outreach, the subject line is one of the most important element.

Writing a Captivating Subject Line (Source)

It can make the difference between a potential client clicking "delete" and opening your email to see what you have to offer.

That's why it's crucial to put time and effort into crafting a captivating email subject line. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Personalization

Your potential client wants to feel like you are speaking directly to them, not just sending a generic email. Use their name or company in the email subject line to catch their attention. This shows that you have taken the time to research and understand their business.

2. Questions

Asking a question in the email subject line can pique the reader's interest and make them curious to learn more. You can ask a question that relates to a pain point or challenge that you know your potential client is facing.

3. Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can make the recipient feel that they need to take action right away. However, it's essential to do this without being deceptive or pushy. Phrases like "last chance" or "limited time offer" can work well.

4. Action verbs

Using strong action verbs can create a sense of excitement and interest. Something like "transform," "unleash," or "boost" can be more compelling than something dull and passive.

5. Concise

Keep your email subject line short and to the point, around 2 - 4 words. Most people quickly scan their email inbox, so it's crucial to make sure your message stands out.

6. Avoid sounding too salesy or too formal

Strive for a tone that is professional but conversational. You want to sound like a real person, not a generic salesperson.

7. Write in low caps

Writing in low caps, like you were sending an email to a working colleague, can help you differentiate from the crowd.

8. Stop overthinking it

Spending X amount of time trying to craft the best email subject line might contribute to significantly change your results. The subject line should be spontaneous.

A captivating subject line is crucial to improving your cold email outreach results. If you take the time to craft your subject line carefully, you'll be sure to grab the attention of potential clients and increase your response rate.

An effective subject line doesn't stick to email campaigns only, it does also matter on InMail outreach.

Crafting Engaging Body Content and Connection Requests

When it comes to crafting engaging body content and connection requests for your cold outreach emails, one rule always applies: your potential clients are humans.

As such, it's essential to connect with them on a personal level and show them that you genuinely care about their business and can help them improve.

One way to achieve this is by using relevant information you researched about them to personalize the email.

This can be done by mentioning their company’s recent achievements or challenges. It can also involve mentioning their job title or any previous work they have done that you admire. Sophisticated prospects can sense a template email from miles away, and personalized emails increase your chances of a response.

Another approach is to mention any mutual connections you have. If you have a connection in common, such as a past colleague, mention it in your email. This way, you come across as a trusted ally rather than a stranger.

When crafting the body content, it's essential to clearly describe the benefits of your product or service and tie them to their pain points. Addressing pain points, particularly those the prospect has already identified or experienced, can make the email feel more relevant, and the recipient is more likely to read it. Show the value your solution can provide and the results they can expect to achieve.

Keep your email concise and to the point but, make it engaging and interesting enough to capture their attention. Use bullet points to break up long paragraphs; they make the email easier to read and digest.

Focus on quality over quantity by prioritizing the most important information rather than overloading the prospect.

By implementing these strategies, you increase the chances of building trust with your potential customers and hence, increase your reply rates.

Including Social Proof in the Email Body

In the context of cold outreach emails, social proof refers to using evidence like testimonials, referrals, and success stories to prove your credibility to potential clients and encourage them to take action.

Including social proof in your cold outreach emails can significantly increase the chances of your email getting a response. Social proof is the phenomenon where people are more likely to follow a particular behavior if they see others doing it.

Case studies are a potent form of social proof that can demonstrate how your product or service has helped other companies with similar challenges. You can include case studies of clients who have seen positive results from working with you and explain how your offer solved their specific pain points.

By doing so, you are providing tangible evidence to potential clients that your product or service is effective and relevant to their needs.


Testimonials are another powerful form of social proof. You can reach out to your current clients and ask them to provide feedback on their experience working with you.

When launching your outreach campaign, include this testimonial you requested to add credibility and help build trust with your prospect.

Testimonials (Source)


Referrals are another effective form of social proof. If you have received referrals from previous clients, mention them in your email to create familiarity and increase your chances of a response.

Sharing success stories of companies that are in the same industry or have a similar target audience can also help build trust with your prospect. When the potential client sees how your product or service solved a problem for a company that they can relate to, they are more likely to pay attention to what you have to share.

Using social proof can be a valuable strategy to improve your cold outreach results. By including case studies, testimonials, referrals, and success stories, you can prove your credibility and build trust with your potential clients.

Remember to also establish a connection by sharing mutual connections or relevant experience. By doing so, you increase your chances of getting a response, which can ultimately lead to new clients and increased business success.

Utilizing Personalized Templates and Automation Tools: Optimize your Efforts

Cold outreach can be a challenging and time-consuming process, but there is a way to make it more efficient and impactful. By utilizing personalized templates and automation tools, you can streamline your outreach efforts and improve your response rates.

Personalized templates are pre-written email messages that can help you save time and ensure consistent messaging across all team members. However, to strike the right balance between automation and personalization, it's essential to customize the templates for each prospect.

To make the personalized message even more effective, it's crucial to research the recipient's pain points and include them in the message. For example, if you provide SEO services, you can include important keywords that their competitors outrank them for.

Scaling up personalized cold emails can quickly become extremely time-consuming. One way to solve this challenge is to use an AI-powered personalization tools like Upgiant.

By utilizing personalized templates, AI and automation tools, you can optimize your cold outreach efforts and increase your chances of success.

Testing Your Emails Before Sending

Before you launch any cold outreach campaign, testing your emails is a crucial step to ensuring success. Testing and refining your approach can help to improve the overall results of your campaign. Here are some tips for testing your emails before sending to potential clients:

1. Have colleagues review your emails

Before sending out any emails, it is highly recommended to have your colleagues review them and provide suggestions on improving the content. Getting feedback and suggestions from a fresh pair of eyes can help you perfect your approach and improve the overall success of your campaign.

2. Validate email addresses

It's important to test the deliverability of your emails by using email validator tools to verify that all email addresses are legitimate and working. This can help to avoid spam filters and ensure that your emails don't end up in the spam folder.

3. Utilize A/B testing

A/B testing is a powerful technique that can help you to determine which subject lines, templates, and body content produce the best engagement rates. By testing different variations of your emails, you can identify what works best and optimize your approach.

4. Test your emails on multiple devices and platforms

It's important to test your emails on multiple devices and platforms to ensure that they are formatted correctly and easy to read. Test your emails on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones to make sure that they look good and are easy to navigate on all devices.

Developing a Cold Outreach Strategy

Developing a successful cold outreach strategy can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can yield valuable results. Effective outreach can help you build connections with potential clients and expand your business. From identifying your target prospects to crafting effective emails, these tips will guide you through the process of building a successful cold outreach strategy.

Setting Up the Right Expectations for Yourself and Prospects

When it comes to cold outreach, managing your own and your prospect's expectations is one of the most important tasks to undertake. Setting realistic expectations can help prevent misunderstandings and achieve success in the long run.

It's important to keep in mind that not every prospect will be a perfect fit for your product or service. However, by being transparent about what you can offer and setting realistic expectations, you can build good relationships with potential customers.

So, how can you set expectations?

Firstly, it's crucial to be clear about your product or service's strengths and limitations. This ensures that potential customers have a realistic understanding of what you can and cannot deliver.

It's also important that you explain what the customer can expect during the sales process. Will there be multiple rounds of communication? Will there be a demo or trial available? By providing this information, you can alleviate any confusion and establish confidence.

Finally, there may be other factors that could influence the sales process or product delivery. For example, unexpected delays or changes in circumstances. By identifying any potential roadblocks in advance and communicating them to the customer, you can demonstrate transparency and build trust.

In conclusion, setting up the right expectations for yourself and clients is vital to the success of your cold outreach efforts. By being transparent, realistic, and clear about the sales process, you can build strong relationships with potential customers and achieve long-term success.

Creating Relevant and Timely Outreach Campaigns

When it comes to cold outreach, creating relevant and timely campaigns is crucial to improve your response rates and ultimately, bring in more potential clients. To do this effectively, you need to first identify your outreach goal. This should be a realistic and measurable objective that you can work towards.

For example, you may want to increase your lead conversion rate by 20% in the next quarter.

Once you have defined your outreach goal, the next step is to create buyer personas. This involves identifying potential clients who match your target audience. By understanding your audience, you can tailor your message to their needs, which increases the likelihood of a successful outreach campaign.

To create a list of prospects, you can use various tools and techniques such as social media monitoring, customer surveys, and industry reports. It's also important to automate recurring campaigns to ensure that your campaign is reaching new prospects consistently. This saves time and resources while maintaining an active presence in your prospect's inbox.

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When setting up recurring campaigns, you can choose from various cadence options such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. The ideal cadence depends on your outreach goal, industry, and audience. For example, if your goal is to build stronger relationships with existing clients, a weekly cadence may work better. If you want to target a wider audience, a monthly cadence may be more effective.

Finally, research is essential to determine what type of content and tone resonates with your target audience. This enables you to craft a personalized message that is both relevant and timely. Consider using social proof or testimonials from previous clients to build trust and credibility.

Analyzing Email Campaigns

After implementing your cold outreach campaign and sending emails to prospects, tracking and analyzing performance is crucial. Email analytics tools provide valuable insights to optimize future campaigns. Metrics to focus on include open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and bounce rates. They reveal how well your emails resonate with the target audience.

Regularly monitoring these metrics helps identify patterns and trends to inform future outreach efforts. For example, higher open rates for certain subject lines can guide upcoming campaigns. More conversions from specific content can lead to a focus on creating similar content.

Leverage the best email analytics tools to fully understand the performance of your cold outreach campaigns. Analyzing key metrics and using data-driven insights improves outreach efforts, increases response rates, and drives more potential clients to engage with your business.


In conclusion, improving your cold outreach results requires a well-planned strategy. It’s important to set the right expectations for yourself and prospects, create relevant and timely campaigns, research content that resonates with your target audience and build trust... It might take time and several failures before you reach your goal but by continually evaluating and adjusting your approach, you can ensure that you are improving your campaigns and getting closer to successful cold outreach results.

Hugo Molinaro

Hugo Molinaro

Digital Marketing Enthusiast | On-page & Off-page SEO specialist | Founder of SmartLinking

Digital Marketing Enthusiast & Founder of Smartlinking. Hugo specialized in On-page & Off-page SEO. He knows how to refine sharp strategies that drive results. Striving to stay on the learning curve to keep enriching his skills, Hugo nurtures great relationships with people for a mutual harnessing of talents.

Link: SmartLinking

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