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Mastering SEO for B2B product pages

  • Yolanda Graham
  • 10 min read
Mastering SEO for B2B product pages


A strong online presence is crucial for any business, including business-to-business (B2B) companies.

One of the most effective ways to enhance your online visibility is through search engine optimization (SEO), particularly for your B2B product pages.

SEO can significantly improve your website's ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs), driving more organic traffic to your site and ultimately boosting sales.

In this article, we'll give you practical tips to make your B2B product pages better for search engines and more appealing to your business clients. Let's get started.

Why optimizing B2B product pages is important

Just like online retail product pages, a B2B product page provides detailed information about products or services, and it's where potential customers from other businesses make the decision to purchase. It's like a digital brochure where other businesses can learn about the features and benefits of your product.

For example, if you offer an enterprise software solution, the product page might include screenshots, pricing information, customer testimonials, and videos that demonstrate how it works. Or, if you're an IT consulting firm, the page might detail the types of services offered, provide a customer portfolio and explain how businesses have benefited from working with you.

Optimizing your product pages is important because when potential customers from other businesses search for a product, you want your page to appear at the top of the search results.

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Research shows that the first result on Google's search results gets around 31.7% of all clicks. So, it's crucial to rank high on the search results page to attract more potential customers and increase your chances of making sales.

The first result on Google's search results gets around 31.7% of all clicks (The first result on Google's search results gets around 31.7% of all clicks)

Research the keywords for your product page

The first step is to do thorough keyword research. Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into search engines when they're looking for a product or service. For B2B product pages, you should focus on long-tail keywords that are specific to your industry.

For example, if your company specializes in providing business loans, you might target keywords such as "business loan for small business" or "low-interest business loans" to capture the attention of potential customers.

This will help ensure that your product page ranks for the right type of queries and attracts qualified leads to your business.

How to create long tail keywords

Here's a quick guide to creating long-tail keywords for your product pages:

Start with a broad keyword: Let's say our B2B product is "accounting software."

  1. Add specificity and modifiers: To create a long-tail keyword, we can add specific details or modifiers that cater to a particular audience or need. For example:
  • "Cloud-based accounting software for small businesses"
  • "Mobile-friendly accounting software for freelancers"
  • "Integrated accounting software for e-commerce stores"
  • "Multi-currency accounting software for international businesses"
  1. Incorporate location-based terms: If your product or service is location-specific, include the location in your long-tail keyword. For instance:
  • "SaaS accounting software for startups in San Francisco"
  • "Payroll management software for businesses in New York"
  • "Inventory tracking software for manufacturers in Texas"
  1. Consider user intent: Think about what your target audience may be searching for based on their intent. For instance:
  • "How to streamline accounts payable with automation software"
  • "Best budget-friendly CRM software for small businesses"
  • "Top cybersecurity solutions for B2B e-commerce platforms"
  1. Analyze competitor keywords: Look at your competitors and see if you can identify any long-tail keyword opportunities they might be targeting. For example, if a competitor is offering "project management software," you could create a long-tail keyword like "collaborative project management software for remote teams."

Write naturally, but place your keywords strategically

When you've identified your target keywords, it's important to strategically incorporate them into your B2B product pages.

Start by optimizing your page titles, headers, and meta tags with relevant keywords. But make sure it feels natural and doesn't disrupt the reading experience.

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Avoid stuffing your content with too many keywords, as it can harm your search engine ranking and make your content hard to read. Instead, focus on integrating keywords smoothly into your content.

Write engaging product descriptions that naturally include keywords and address the needs of your audience. Remember, search engines value user experience and quality content, so find a balance that satisfies both search engines and human readers.

Descriptions are not just about keywords - it's about being useful to your potential clients

Product descriptions are more than just a bunch of keywords. They should provide useful information to your potential clients.

When writing your product descriptions, make sure to cover all the important details about your product. Highlight its unique features, benefits, and the value it brings to B2B customers.

Avoid using generic descriptions and focus on client pain points instead. For example, if you provide software for supply chain optimization, explain how it can help businesses reduce costs and increase efficiency. Speak to your sales team for more insight into the needs and challenges of your prospects.

Here are some examples of descriptions that are useful to clients:

Generic vs specific descriptions (Generic vs specific descriptions)

While writing, don't forget to incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout the description. This helps optimize your product pages for search engines. But remember, the main focus should be on providing valuable and informative content that resonates with your potential clients.

Use "schema markup"

To make your B2B product pages more visible in search results, you can use something called "schema markup." It's a way to give search engines extra details about your products, like prices, availability, and customer ratings. This helps search engines show your pages in a more attractive and informative way.

If you need to get more familiar with how to do it, it's best to get help from experts. Consider reaching out to web developers, SEO specialists, or digital marketing agencies who know about schema markup. They can handle the technical side and make sure your B2B product pages have the proper schema markup. Freelancers or consultants with experience in schema markup can also assist you.

Just remember to explain your goals and provide the necessary information about your products and target audience. Working with professionals will ensure your B2B product pages stand out in search results, attracting more business clients and helping you grow your business.

Add client reviews and testimonials

User reviews are incredibly important for your B2B product pages. They can influence potential clients' decisions, build trust, and improve your search engine optimization (SEO).

But what if you don't have clients yet, or what if you receive unfavorable reviews? Let's explore how to handle these situations.

  1. Encouraging reviews: Even if you're just starting out and don't have clients yet, there are still ways to gather reviews. Reach out to friends, colleagues, or industry experts who have used your product or service and kindly ask them to provide honest feedback. Their reviews can serve as initial testimonials and help establish credibility for your B2B product pages.
  2. Dealing with unfavorable reviews: It's essential to address unfavorable reviews in a professional and constructive manner. Instead of ignoring or deleting negative feedback, take the opportunity to show your dedication to customer satisfaction. Respond promptly and respectfully, offering solutions or seeking to understand and resolve any issues. By doing this, you may earn a second chance and improve customer loyalty.
  3. Permission for publishing names: If clients leave a review verbally, it's considerate to seek their permission before publishing their names. This shows respect for their privacy and helps build trust. Politely ask if they would be comfortable with their name being used alongside their review. If they decline, you can still showcase their feedback anonymously or attribute it to their company name if appropriate.

Remember, genuine user reviews hold significant value. They provide social proof, build trust, and contribute to your SEO efforts.

Internal and external linking

Linking is important for product pages on company websites, and there are two types to consider: internal linking and external linking.

The differences between internal and external linking (The differences between internal and external linking)

Internal linking means connecting different pages within your website. You want to link related product pages, blog posts, or resources together. This helps search engines understand how your website is organized and makes it easier for people to navigate between different pages.

External linking, on the other hand, means including links to other websites. You should choose authoritative sources that provide helpful information about your product or industry. By linking to these trustworthy websites, you enhance the credibility of your own B2B product pages.

The goal is to make sure the links you include are relevant and useful. By doing this, you improve the user experience, provide valuable information, and show search engines that your pages are reliable and connected.

Make your page look great with high-quality images

To make your B2B product pages visually appealing, it's important to include high-quality images that show off your products clearly. Here's how you can optimize your images for the best results:

  1. Use great-looking images: Make sure to include clear and sharp pictures that accurately represent your products. Avoid using blurry or low-quality images that might give a negative impression.
  2. Make them load faster: Optimize your images by compressing them. This reduces their file size without sacrificing the quality, which means your pages will load faster. Faster loading times are essential for a good user experience and can also help improve your search engine rankings. We'll discuss page load speed in more detail in a separate section.
  3. Describe your images with alt text: Add descriptive alt text to each image using relevant keywords. Alt text is a short description that helps search engines understand what the image is about. It's also helpful for people who can't see the images, as screen readers can read the alt text aloud to them.

For example, if you're selling office furniture, you could use alt text like "Modern office desk with ergonomic design" for an image. This description tells both search engines and users what the image shows.

Create a mobile-friendly experience

Having a mobile-friendly website is highly recommended for most businesses nowadays. With the increasing number of people using mobile devices to browse the internet, it's important to ensure that your website works well and looks good on smartphones and tablets.

While it may not be an absolute requirement for every business, having a mobile-friendly site can help you reach more potential customers, improve your search engine rankings, and stay competitive.

To make sure your B2B product pages work well on mobile devices and provide a great user experience, consider these simple tips:

  1. Responsive design: Use a design approach that automatically adjusts your pages to fit different screen sizes. This helps your content look good and be easy to navigate on any device.
  2. Mobile-first thinking: When designing and developing your pages, focus on mobile devices first. This ensures that your pages are optimized for smaller screens and touch interactions. It's important to prioritize the needs of mobile users.
  3. Easy navigation: Make it simple for mobile users to find what they're looking for. Use easy-to-tap buttons and links, and organize your menus in a way that is intuitive for touchscreens.
  4. Optimized content: Adapt your content for mobile viewing. Keep text sizes readable, break up long paragraphs into smaller chunks, and use concise and impactful messaging to capture attention.
  5. Fast loading speed: Optimize your pages to load quickly on mobile devices. This includes compressing images, minimizing code, and using caching techniques to reduce load times.
  6. Test on different devices: Make sure to test your mobile-optimized pages on various devices, such as smartphones and tablets. This helps you identify any issues and ensure your pages work well across different platforms.

Should you handle mobile optimization yourself?

Handling mobile optimization for your B2B product pages can be done in different ways, depending on your expertise and resources:

  1. Do it yourself: If you have the technical know-how and time, you can handle mobile optimization on your own. It involves learning about web design, development, and mobile optimization techniques. This option gives you full control but requires investing time and effort to acquire the necessary skills.
  2. Get professional help: If you lack the expertise or time to handle mobile optimization, you can hire professionals such as mobile developers, designers, or agencies who specialize in mobile optimization. They have the knowledge and experience to optimize your pages effectively, saving you time and ensuring optimal results.
  3. Use website builders or CMS platforms: Some website builders and content management systems (CMS) offer built-in features or templates that are mobile-friendly. These tools provide user-friendly interfaces and pre-designed templates, making it easier for you to optimize your pages without extensive technical skills.

Deciding which approach is best for you depends on your comfort level, available resources, and the complexity of your B2B product pages. Consider your skills, time availability, and budget to determine the most suitable option for your business.

Prioritizing page load speed for B2B product pages

Page load speed is crucial for your website's performance and user experience. It refers to how quickly your B2B product pages load when someone visits your site.

When your pages load quickly, it makes it easier for visitors to browse your products and information. It also keeps them engaged and less likely to leave your site. On the other hand, if your pages take too long to load, people may get frustrated and leave, hurting your chances of making a sale or getting their business.

The longer it takes your page to load, the faster your visitors will leave (The longer it takes your page to load, the faster your visitors will leave. Image source).

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Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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In addition to user experience, page load speed also affects your search engine rankings. Search engines like Google consider it as a factor when determining where your site appears in search results. If your pages load slowly, search engines may rank your site lower, making it harder for potential customers to find you.

To improve page load speed, there are a few things you can do:

  1. Optimize images: Reduce image file sizes without compromising quality for faster loading.
  2. Minimize CSS and JavaScript files: Remove unnecessary code and reduce file sizes to decrease data transfer.
  3. Leverage browser caching: Store certain website elements on visitors' devices, so they don't need to be downloaded again.
  4. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): Store copies of your files in different locations to deliver content faster worldwide.

Once again, if you feel you aren't up to the task of handling page load speed optimization yourself, you can hire professionals or use website builders and CMS platforms with features that help improve performance. Your full-time or freelance developers or agencies should be able to help.

Monitor, analyze, and make improvements

Keep an eye on how your B2B product pages are performing by using web analytics tools like Google Analytics. Look at important metrics such as how much organic traffic you're getting, how many people are leaving your site quickly (bounce rates), how many visitors are turning into customers (conversion rates), and how well you're ranking for relevant keywords.

By analyzing this data, you can identify areas that need improvement. Maybe you notice that certain product pages have high bounce rates, indicating that visitors aren't finding what they're looking for. Or perhaps you see that a specific keyword is driving a lot of traffic to your site, and you can optimize your product pages further for that keyword.

Use this information to make changes and iterate on your optimization strategies. Improve the content, layout, or user experience of your product pages based on what the data tells you. Keep monitoring and analyzing regularly to ensure your B2B product pages are always effective and help you achieve your business goals.


In summary, it's important to optimize the product pages on your B2B company website by doing thorough keyword research, writing engaging descriptions, encouraging user reviews, optimizing images, linking to relevant content, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and improving page load speed. Keep monitoring and making improvements to attract more business clients and succeed online.

Yolanda Graham

Yolanda Graham

Content Marketing Manager

Yolanda Graham is a content marketing manager for Right People Group, a company that connects businesses with freelance professionals. With 15 of experience with content, she has successfully helped numerous businesses optimize their online presence, drive organic traffic, and improve conversions.

Link: Right People Group

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