• Technology

Top Node Js IDEs For Modern Application Development

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 6 min read
Top Node Js IDEs For Modern Application Development


It’s been more like a decade since the inception of Node.js and no wonder the tech seems to have gained one of the top spots among the Javascript realm. Yes, the Javascript realm which is more like 25+ years of age, now comprises a new kid in the block that has gained immense amounts of popularity within no time. Node.js in today’s times is highly recommended for developing real-time applications due to its non-blocking I/O model and event-driven architecture.

It is rightly said that the ongoing advancements in application development technologies have confused business owners on which technology to go with. And choosing the right tech stack is very important as it can give a better result for your objectives. Here, the most important factor is to select the best backend web development technology and nothing works wonders better than Node.

Not to mention several global-known brands such as LinkedIn, Netflix, Uber, Trello, NASA, PayPal,eBay, Medium are found vouching for Node.js. The following post highly speaks regarding some of the best Node.js IDEs to take into account when conducting any modern application development project. But before that, let us get acquainted with the term Node.js IDE.

What is a Node.js IDE?

Well IDE in general stands for Integrated Development Environment. It’s more like a software application that has the potential to assist software developers in creating an app like never before. In other words with the help of such IDEs, software programmers are able to create software code with insane efficiency. Several tasks such as software editing, building, testing and packaging can be precisely taken care of, all thanks to these Integrated Development Environment.

What is the true significance of these IDEs?

Most of the IDE’s comprises different types of text editors. These editors provide great assistance in writing the code. However, it doesn’t mean that these IDE’s are limited to text editing. Here you may find a central interface that smoothens the entire software development procedure. Whether you are willing to develop a program right from the scratch or re-editing any existing application, IDE’s are always wonderful to take into consideration. Here’s Why!

1. Code editing automation

You see programming languages have different rules and regulations about how different statements must be structured. And IDE’s are pretty well aware about these rules and have different intelligent features for automatically writing or editing the source code.

2. Syntax highlighting

Another aspect that makes these IDE’s a cut above is Syntax highlighting. You see here IDE’s has the ability to format the written text by making source words bold or italic. In fact, here different font colors can be used. As a result, by seeing such visuals, it becomes pretty easy to determine what is required in terms of any changes. And of course, the source code tends to become more and more readable. Also, in case of any syntax related errors, instant feedback can be received. For those who are looking to optimize their development process, the option to hire dedicated node js developers can offer specialized expertise. Similarly, businesses seeking to enhance their project outcomes may consider the option to hire node js programmers, who bring specialized skills and experience in Node.js development, ensuring a more efficient and effective development process.

3. Code completion

The next feature that makes an IDEA worth considering is intelligent code completion. It’s like google, once you start typing a plethora of search terms show up automatically. In fact, IDEs are more capable of making relevant suggestions as soon as the developer begins to type.

4. Testing and Debugging

Another reason to consider an IDE is testing and debugging. Proper analysis of Node.js application performance can be achieved through methods for identifying bottlenecks and system issues. Here developers can automate unit tests even before the software is integrated with other developer’s code. Also, here several errors can be easily found and fixed, all thanks to easy debugging.

Now it's time to focus on some of the top Node.js IDEs. Each one of these are of a kind and should be taken into account before commencing any software development project. So let’s get started!

Top Node.js IDEs to Consider for Conducting Modern Application Development

#1 Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code

Our first and foremost Node.js IDE is visual studio code. It was developed by the tech giant named microsoft and is pretty known due to its wide range of features such as being lightweight, comprising of in-built CLI (command line interface), Integrated TerminalSplit View & Zen Mode, Helpers (Context Menus, Intellisense), GIT integration and whatnot!

It may quite interest you to know that Visual Studio Code is capable enough to run on a wide range of OSes such as MacOS, Windows, and Linux. In addition, it offers immense support towards different programming languages like Java, Python, C++, PHP, and more.

#2 Sublime Text

Sublime Text

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Another interesting code editor that web developers must take into account for 2023 and a few upcoming years is Sublime Text. Though the code editor has been in demand since its early days of inception due to its extensive powerful and some of the most advanced features such as quick project switching, split editing and a lot more. In fact, sublime text enables programmers to select different options especially in case they want to manipulate any type of files and folders. Here you are bound to receive high-end performances and seamless customization with the help of JSON files. And you know what is the most astounding aspect of this Node.js IDE? Well, it is built using custom components that tend to deliver unmatched responsiveness. Some of the core features and functionalities of Sublime Text include:

  • Instant project switch
  • Split editing
  • Powerful package system
  • Cross-platform

#3 Cloud 9

Cloud 9

The next interesting Node.js IDE that one must keep his or her eye on is Cloud 9. If you check Github then you may find around 2.5K stars for cloud 9 but still, it tends to remain one of the favourites of numerous developers across the globe. Unlike others, this particular Node.js IDE is available for free. And as the name implies, it is cloud-based and mainly used to develop seamless Node.js applications and a wide range of PHP projects. Cloud9 is more like a key-binding editor that enables developers a live preview of the current application. Here you may also find an image editor that makes cloud9, one of the most significant IDEs.

If you are looking for a Node.js IDE that features seamlessly integrated debugging, an In-built terminal, server-less development, full-featured edition then simply consider Cloud9 for assistance.

#4 Intellij IDEA

Intellij IDEA

Another interesting Node.js IDE to look into is Intellij IDEA. Now among all these mentioned Node.js IDEs, IntelliJ IDEA seems to be the coolest of all. Why so, you may ask? Well, it enables developers to stay calm and composed in the workflow of the app development lifecycle. Also, IntelliJ IDEA comprises a wide range of development-based functionalities such as intelligent code compilation, here you are bound to receive an integrated environment for a text editor, a streamlined debugger, multiple framework support, a test-runner and coverage, an awesome version control system and the list goes on.

How is Intellij IDEA beneficial?

  • Well, it leads to a severe increase in the productivity of developers
  • Transfer of smooth knowledge and expertise is possible
  • Here onboarding becomes pretty easy
  • Test-runner and coverage
  • Awesome version control system
  • Code quality and maintenance becomes easy
  • High return on investments

#5 WebStorm


The last but certainly not the least Node.js IDE to take into account is Webstorm. It is a pretty popular JavaScript IDE developed by JetBrains. Webstorm is full-packed with impeccable smart coding assistance and several other features such as on-the-fly error detection, code completion, refactoring, and powerful navigation. Some of the prime aspects of WebStorm include

  • Seamless tool integration
  • High-end customization
  • Power range of built-in tools
  • Intelligent coding assistance


And we are almost done here! If you are struggling with choosing the right Node.js IDE for your application development project then these aforementioned Node.js IDEs must be kept in mind. Each of these isn’t just popular but has a proven track record of creating desirable outcomes within the nick of time. So I hope you did find the following post insightful. In case, if there are any doubts or issues, feel free to mention them in the comment section below.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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