• UI & UX

Web Redesign Inspiration: Ideas for Your Next Project

  • Ashley Nielsen
  • 4 min read
Web Redesign Inspiration: Ideas for Your Next Project


Your website is an essential sales and marketing tool used to attract and convert customers. If it's not performing well, your design could be to blame. Building and launching a new website can help outdated websites improve their metrics. Redesigning a website is similar to designing anything else. For example, you must have a kitchen layout before you start adding backsplashes and countertops. The same concept applies to web design. Having a clear plan with a website design strategy, wireframes, and mockups can ensure you know what the website will look like and how users will interact with it before you start adding design elements like color schemes and images.

Your action plan should also consist of timelines and deadlines to help you understand how quickly you can redesign your website and when you should plan to launch it, which may include various marketing activities to bring customers back to your new website. Whether it's an e-commerce or B2B site, your design plays a crucial role in increasing revenue. With a high-performance website, you can retain valuable customers before they convert. Ready to redesign your site? Here are ideas for your next project:

One-Page Website

A one-page website only works for some businesses and brands. Still, it's worth considering if you have a business that primarily operates offline or if you only want to highlight one important product. One-page websites are ideal for when you can teach the user about your business or brand without forcing them to navigate a more complicated website. In addition, they work well for microsites and product websites when you want to differentiate other products or brands from your main business.


Video can effectively welcome visitors to your website and educate them about your products and services. You can use videos of all styles, including animations, that are easily playable from your homepage, product pages, or even blogs. However, it's important to remember that most people prefer silent browsing, so you should avoid using an autoplay video if it has sound.



Your typography is part of your branding, so before you change your font, you should revisit your branding to ensure your website aligns with your other marketing materials. Most companies have a font they've chosen and used for years to help their customers identify them, so changing your typography could be a mistake if you don't do the proper leg work to ensure that it won't affect your relationship with current customers.

Designers now have a larger selection of fonts than they did in the past, so if you want to change your typography, it might be worth revisiting your branding and other style elements, such as your logo, to ensure your branding stays consistent for a uniform look across the entire website.

Engaging Hero Images

What's the first thing most people see when looking at your website? The headline or hero image. The hero image should be captivating and used to set expectations with users. Hero images vary based on your web design. For example, you might want a call to action (CTA) above the fold. At the same time, other websites prefer a stronger visual experience and encourage users to scroll down the page to learn more about a company, product, or another offer.

Hero images set your website's tone by supplementing the page's text. Since it's much easier for users to view and understand images than it is for them to read, it offers a quick way for them to understand more about what your business does. Additionally, a high-quality image can make your website appear more professional, which can make it appear more trustworthy.


Unless you invest in an extensive photoshoot, you likely won't have a high-quality photo to use on every page. So instead of using stock photos you can find anywhere online, use custom illustrations as part of your branding. Custom illustrations establish a unique feeling and help users understand what to expect when browsing your website.

While you might think illustrations can make your website appear cartoonish, they can be designed more professionally based on your audience. For example, a B2B manufacturing company will have different illustrations and styles than a business marketing to children.

If you have a large website with multiple pages, your menu can quickly get messy and unorganized, making it difficult to navigate your website. Before redesigning your menu, consider your information hierarchy. Some pages will be more useful for navigational purposes than others. For example, an e-commerce apparel website might sell several thousand items. However, in this case, they can categorize these items by tops, bottoms, shoes, and accessories and add those categories to the menu. In some instances, you may want to add subcategories, but consider how they would affect the menu.

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In addition to how you categorize important pages in your menu, you should choose a simple menu style that won't detract from the main web design. Removing overly complicated or busy navigation will improve the user experience and provide them with fewer on-screen distractions. Therefore, you might try a hamburger menu, also known as a hidden menu, to reduce distractions while helping users navigate your website.

Product Images

Product Images

If you sell products on your website, you need high-quality images. Product images are crucial for helping you sell more because they show users what to expect. In addition, most online shoppers will only purchase a product after seeing it first, so you should include high-quality images of all your products while highlighting different features.

Mobile Friendliness

More and more individuals don't use laptops or desktops at home unless they work from home. Instead, when they're browsing your website, it's more than likely that they're on their mobile devices. If your website is outdated, it probably doesn't look good on small screens. Your website must deliver the same experience regardless of screen size, so creating a mobile-friendly website that allows website elements to rescale and resize depending on the device used is crucial.

Redesigning Your Website

Redesigning your website is a large project, and the planning phase should take at least a few weeks to help you determine what you want it to look like and how users will interact with it, as well as how it will affect your site’s SEO. Before your website goes live, we recommend testing it with a small group of individuals to ensure a good user experience.

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen

Freelance Writer

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a freelance writer who loves to share knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, wellness, and financial tips. During her free time, she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music.

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