• Marketing

10 Content Marketing Strategies To 10X Your Business In 2023

  • Valentine Okoronkwo
  • 12 min read
10 Content Marketing Strategies To 10X Your Business In 2023


How do you earn trust, build brand loyalty, and increase sales? The marketing industry has gotten even more competitive over the years. If you are not careful, you will end up spending so much money on marketing strategies and getting little to no ROI.

In 2023, the competition will become even tighter.

Instead of spamming people with your business card and begging them to patronize you, there is a more civilized and effective way of increasing sales.

The approach is "improving your content marketing strategies in 2023".

Content marketing is an excellent way to increase conversions. It is amazing how some marketers are yet to invest in the full potential of content marketing. They are making a very big mistake.

Content marketing is important for e-commerce businesses and B2B brands. However, to up your content marketing game, you need to stay ahead of your competitors.

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Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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This means you must be willing and ready to go the extra mile in ensuring your content marketing strategy is productive.

What Is A Content Marketing Strategy?

A Content Marketing strategy is a plan that helps you identify your intended audience and also know how best to reach them. The purpose of a content marketing strategy is to generate more leads, increase conversion, and boost sales.

For your content marketing strategy to be effective, it must include 5 main elements:

  • Strategic goals
  • Business case
  • Positioning
  • Value proposition

What Is A Content Marketing Strategy? (Source)

There are so many strategies that have been proven to be valid but you need to first recognize what your business goal is.

Is it to stand the test of time, is it to make incredible sales, or is it both?

After identifying what you want to achieve with having a content marketing strategy, you can then proceed from there.

A proper content marketing strategy will require a combination of certain skills such as analytical skills, social media management skills, and basic knowledge of SEO (search engine optimization).

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The All-in-One Platform for Effective SEO

Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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Now with all these said, let us move on to find out what marketing strategies can be employed for magical results.

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Incredible Content Marketing Strategies To Use In 2023

#1. Leverage Short Videos

Video marketing is a very important part of digital marketing. However, as the years go by, our attention span gets shorter thanks to the internet. The struggle for customers' attention has gotten tougher.

An average internet user can see up to 5000 ads a day. For example, when you go on Instagram, you see so much content at once.

Because the human mind is always so busy viewing thousands of contents, our attention span has reduced from 12 seconds in the year 2000 to 8 seconds in 2016.

By 2023, it will become even shorter.

So how do you grab your audience with videos? The answer is simple: make it short and straight to the point.

In 2022, many marketers used more short-form videos. In 2023, the number of marketers using short-form videos will increase because people are more drawn toward short videos.

Short videos are easy to understand and straight to the point. You don't have to watch content for 2 minutes before you understand the general message. The first 3 seconds are enough to hook your attention.

Video content is very important in content marketing because it has a higher conversion rate than text or image content. One effective strategy is to embed YouTube Shorts, as they are engaging and easily shareable, enhancing your content's reach and impact."

How To Use Short Videos

  1. Use shirt explainer videos or informational clips. These could be how-to videos for your website, product, or services.

  2. Create behind-the-scenes videos for your brand. Behind-the-scenes (BTS) is a great way to create curiosity and grab your audience's attention. They want to know how your brand operates or how your products are created.

The best of this is that you don't have to be a big brand to create BTS videos.

  1. Create user-generated content (UGC)

Note: Your video content must be relevant to your target audience.

#2. Prioritize Quality Over Quantity

When it comes to content marketing, the quality you give should be more than the quantity. The quality of your content is what will bring your audience back for more.

In 2023, people will become less forgiving toward baseless content. You can't just create content for the sake of stuffing your content bank. How valuable is your content to your audience?

This means that before you ever put out any content, you have to thoroughly research your work. It must have a valuable substance that makes your audience want to keep reading, listening, or watching.

How To Create Quality Content Over Quantity

  1. Be authentic rather than a copycat. This means you should take out time to research your audience and what they want to know. Then look for the right solutions to help them solve their problems. This is better than simply copying other people's content.

Before creating content, ask yourself if it is relevant to your niche. Don't be in a hurry to give out content. Instead, take time to brainstorm.

At least, one very valuable piece of content is better than 10 irrelevant ones that do not convert. In fact, poor content will hurt your brand's reputation.

  1. Take inspiration from your competitors. Before you jump right into boosting your content marketing strategies in 2023, take out time to find out what your competitors are doing better than you.

What are they talking about? What are they NOT talking about but is very important? This information will take you steps ahead of your competitors because you can identify what new or better angle to base your content on.

You also get to know how your competitors are addressing the audience and how you can do better than them.

  1. Your content should be consistent with your brand voice and flow. You are not working to imitate another brand. Whatever makes you unique, be consistent with it.

  2. Plan your content ahead of time. This will help you identify which content draft should be published and which one should be trashed. Giving out quality content makes you more trusted and reliable.

#3. Create Source Content

Source content is a linkable content. For Your content to be considered linkable, it should include accurate data and statistics and should be in-depth. People never link to shallow content.

When you pick a topic to create content about, how in-depth can you go? Is the information already something your audience knows about?

I wouldn't waste 2 seconds learning obvious information I already know about.

Linkable content is awesome content. The more people link to your content, the more you rank on Google. It also makes you an authentic source.

How To Create Source Content

  1. Use original images to spice up your content.

  2. Include original information like data, graphs, and charts. You can hire a research team to get the information for you. However, every piece of information must be accurate.

You can survey the topic you are working on.

  1. Get quotes from experts in your niche.

  2. Create helpful videos and infographics.

  3. Ensure your content is in-depth and well-detailed. For example, a how-to content or listicle should cover the topic thoroughly and provide actionable solutions.

This means you should invest in long-form content. Google favors high-quality content and pushes such content up its page.

Creating source content is also an excellent link-building strategy.

#4. Use Email Marketing For Promotion

Email marketing is still as powerful as ever. You are making a huge mistake if you are not using the power of emails to your advantage. Statistics show that over 50% of consumers prefer business brands to contact them via email.

There are many benefits of using email as part of your content marketing strategy.

With email, you can easily send out newsletters to your subscribers. Marketers use email marketing to push potential customers down the ecommerce sales funnel.

Additionally, consumers love when they receive exclusive content. Exclusive content is content not published on your website or anywhere else in public. It is exclusively for customers. When your email subscribers receive exclusive content, it makes them feel special.

How To Use Email As A Powerful Content Marketing Strategy

  1. Make your emails personal to your subscribers. Instead of sending generic content to all your subscribers, add some personal touches to your email.

  2. You shouldn't make your content sound too salesy. Yes, you are marketing through content, but that doesn't mean you should be all about selling your product or services. You don't want to come off as too desperate.

  3. Include links to your website or specific landing pages. You can easily do this through CTAs (call-to-action). Make your CTAs clear and specific. They should be easy to understand and placed strategically.

  4. Additionally, create email signup forms that convert. If the email signup form on your website is not converting, you will get very few to no subscribers.

People visit your website and they like what they see. But your signup form is not attractive enough for them to type in their email address to subscribe. If this is you, you obviously have a huge problem to solve fast.

#5. Give Information On LinkedIn

The essence of giving information is to increase your LinkedIn engagement. If you are a B2B marketer or brand, you should leverage the power of LinkedIn very well.

LinkedIn is a social media networking platform for business professionals and corporate workers. It is a great way to reach paying clients. So before posting content on this platform, ensure they are informative and impactful.

People will share your content when they find it relevant and helpful. As they keep sharing it, it goes viral.

LinkedIn is a good place to share your idea with like-minded people. People will always follow and connect to you when you always give value.

How To Use LinkedIn As A Content Marketing Strategy

  1. Post timely and relevant content.

  2. Engage with other people's posts. It is not only about you, so if you want to receive, you have to give too.

  3. Like in email marketing, don't sound too salesy in your content. You would only end up looking desperate.

  4. Use relevant hashtags that pertain to your niche.

  5. Be consistent. In 2023, the competition for the audience's attention will become tighter than it is already. You need to be consistent with your content so you can stay at the top.

You cannot post once in 6 months and expect to gather good engagement.

  1. Pay attention to the latest trends on LinkedIn. However, ensure that these trends are relevant to your target audience.

#6. Use Appropriate Content Marketing Software

You cannot up your content marketing game without the right tools and resources. Content marketing software is an online tool that helps marketers perform content marketing activities.

So many content marketing tools are out there. Some are free, some are paid, and others offer both options. Since there are many tools, choosing the right one can be a hassle. There is no one-size-fits-all perfect online tool. The best one depends on your marketing needs and goals.

The right content marketing software and tools make your job in content marketing easier. For example, you can easily organize your content with content marketing calendar software.

One of the best content marketing tools to have in 2023 is SEO software. You cannot talk about boosting your business conversion without mentioning SEO.

For your content to do well and increase conversion, it has to rank. With the right SEO tool like Ranktracker, you can properly optimize your content to increase its chances of being seen.

Ranktracker is an excellent all-in-one SEO content marketing tool. It provides you with the right SEO insights you need to increase your website traffic.

How To Use Ranktracker As A Purposeful Content Marketing Tool

  1. Use Ranktracker's keyword finder to search for appropriate keywords for your niche. With this tool, you can identify which keyword is more difficult to rank for.

How To Use Ranktracker As A Purposeful Content Marketing Tool

  1. Find your competitor's "weak spots" with the SERP analysis tool. You can easily get detailed results of any search query on Google. All you have to do is to enter a keyword to see which website is ranking top for it.

If you are a local brand that targets customers within a region you can use the tool to search for keyword results for that specific area.

  1. Use the SEO checklist to ensure you are on the right track of search engine optimization. SEO can get complicated if you are not organized to follow the rules.

However, with a good and detailed SEO checklist, you can easily ensure all the fundamentals are in place without missing anything. With the SEO checklist, you can improve your SEO by far.

#7. Track Content Performance*

How do you know you are getting your content marketing right if you cannot track his performance? By getting detailed insights into your content performance, you can easily see what areas need improvement and what content is getting the most conversion.

You will also be able to know if your efforts are worth it.

How To Effectively Track Your Content's Performance

  1. Before you begin to track your content performance, you have to decide on what you are tracking. Instead of checking every single data and consuming most time, you can pick out specific areas to track. However, it should be relevant to your business goals.

  2. You can use a tool like Ranktracker to dig deeper into your content performance or how your marketing campaigns are performing. The tool makes it easy for you to track and monitor your content and website performance from your desktop or mobile. You can see which content drove the most lead.

#8. Repurpose Old Content

Repurposing or recycling old content is one of the best content marketing strategies you should try in 2023. Repurposing content means taking great previous content and reusing it in another channel to attract more audience.

Repurposing content is great because you are sharing your best content assets to increase subscribers or website visitors. The content can be an in-depth video or blog post.

The biggest mistake many people make when repurposing content is that they copy and paste. The problem with this is that different content channels (media platforms) do not use the same content format.

For example, you cannot copy and paste an entire blog post content as a social media caption or email. It doesn't work that way.

You have to tailor the content to the channel. If you have a blog post that did so well, you can turn it into a video and post it on YouTube.

How To Repurpose Content

  1. Create an incredibly impressive content

  2. Optimize the content for repurposing. For example, you can list key points of a blog post and use them in a YouTube video.

  3. You can compare some related blog posts into an eBook that your subscribers can access for free or at a discount.

  4. Repost infographics on your social media pages too.

  5. You can add extra valuable information to make the content more useful.

#9. Build A Content Marketing Sales Funnel

Having a sales funnel is an important content marketing strategy. It shows a potential customer's buying journey.

It is important to invest in a content marketing sales funnel because it will help you see how to effectively use content to attract potential customers.

With the funnel, you can use content to guide these potential customers in their buying journey, from their first interaction with your business to when they become paying customers.

At each stage of the funnel, you know the right content to use to push the customers to the next level. As a content marketer, you cannot ignore the importance of having a sales funnel if you desire to increase conversion.

The content created at the top funnel is to increase traffic. The one at the middle of the funnel is to generate leads. The last content at the bottom of the funnel is to show the leads why they should patronize your business as the best solution to their problem.

Build A Content Marketing Sales Funnel (Source)

How To Create A Content Marketing Sales Funnel That Converts

  1. Plan your funnel and set goals. It is vital to identify the final action you want the potential customers to take. Do you want them to subscribe to your service or make a purchase? It is up to you to decide.

  2. Create different sales funnels. This is ideal if you are targeting different segments of people. For example, you may want people to subscribe to your mailing list and another set to make a purchase.

Both actions are different so you need different sales funnels for each one. It will also help you when creating content for each you go.

Building a sales funnel should be difficult when using one of the best sales funnel builder software. With the software, you can easily create your own sales funnel.

  1. For each sale funnel you can create a landing page. The landing page allows your prospects to learn about your products and services. This is where you show these prospects the benefits of your products and services.

Since your landing page may be your first and only opportunity to impress the prospect you have to make it as attractive as possible you can use a landing page builder software to be on the safer side.

  1. Offer value to your prospects. It could be a free guide, ebook, or whitepaper.

  2. Include your CTA and close the deal.

#10. Start Multi-channel Content Marketing

Your content marketing goal for 2023 should be to increase your reach and boost conversion. The more the right people see your content, the higher your chances you have to increase your website traffic and skyrocket your sales.

How do you achieve this?

The best way is through multi-channel content marketing. Recent multi-channel marketing statistics show that over 51% of marketers use at least eight channels to connect to their audience. Also, 72% of consumers prefer to connect with brands via different marketing channels, especially before making a purchase.

These numbers are expected to increase by 2023.

The multi-channel market approach is here to stay and using it in content marketing is a surefire way to boost visibility.

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Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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Using the multi-channel content marketing strategy will help create brand loyalty by providing valuable information to customers and engaging with them.

The more you put yourself out there in relevant channels, your target audience will notice you. If you stay hidden they will only see your competition.

When using the multi-channel content marketing strategy, it is easy to repurpose content.

How To Use The Multi-channel Content Marketing Strategy

  1. Research to understand your target audience's preferred channels. You can't just show yourself on random channels without checking to see if that is where your target audience often hangs out.

After researching and finding out the channels, you can start by picking out three to market on. 2. Identify the type of content your target customers want to see on each channel. 3. Create a content strategy for each channel and implement them. 4. Feel free to repurpose content when necessary.

Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy in 2023

An excellent content marketing strategy is one you put effort into. Although content marketing is great for boosting sales, you have to put effort into ensuring it is effective. Ensure you are always giving out value that is relevant to your target audience.

Finally, use the right content tools to amplify your efforts and results. The right tool, like Ranktracker, will make your efforts easier and more effective.

Valentine Okoronkwo

Valentine Okoronkwo

Founder, Passive Secrets

Valentine Okoronkwo is the Founder of Passive Secrets. He empowers online entrepreneurs and business owners to automate their businesses, create passive income online, and enjoy financial and location freedom. You can connect with him here.

Link: Passive Secrets

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